Chpt. 6

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You started to slowly admit to yourself that you would never envy Adrien. After witnessing all the moments they had as Heroes and as their secret identities. You felt like you were going to go insane. You sat next to Juleka one day during lunch and sighed loudly.

"What's up?" She mumbled.

"Nothing." You replied smiling at her. She looked unconvinced and you shrugged. You looked at Adrien and Marinette. You sighed. Juleka noticed the heavy breath and followed your gaze.

"Yes, that is the oblivious couple." Juleka said while mumbling. You were impressed as to how you were doing much better in your french so you didn't get that many headaches from straining your ears to hear her anymore.

Did she know about their secret identities as well? You thought, you felt relieved you weren't dealing with this insanity alone.

"I mean marinette should just confess. I still don't understand how she's always so busy. Poor kid is helping so much with the bakery and all." Alya chirped in. Marinette was too busy staring at Adrien to notice the three people talking about her.

"Yeah. She works so hard, it's as if she lives a double life." Juleka mumbled, giving a small shy smile. You felt your chest fill with an odd feeling. It was adoration. You loved the color of her eyes, the way they were so unique and dark. Her hair was so silky and long. You breathed in her scent silently. She smelled so lovely.

You had made not seem as weird as it actually was as you reached past her and sniffed her.

"Hey Y/N, wanna come join me at Marinette's house? Mari said it was okay since her parents wanted to check out the new video game I created." Max said. You perked up at the mentioning of video game and then realized the Agreste Mansion rule. No going out. You kinda understood as to why Adrien had to go with it, by why did you have to be punished?

"I'm sorry I can't." You replied with a bummed out expression.

"That's highly unfortunate. You Juleka?" Max asked Juleka. You then imagined a whole scenario in your head.

What happens if Mari leaves the room? Leaving innocent Juleka with Max? What happens if Max likes her? You looked at the extremely happy expression on Max's face and frowned.

He definitely likes her.

"Yeah sure. Can Luka come with?" She asked. Marinette was daydreaming, something about hamsters.

"Marinette." Max poked her and she sat up alert. Everyone chuckled at her reaction. You noticed the drool running down her chin. Adrien hadn't noticed it yet.

"Hey Mari." You pointed to your chin and she blushed. She wiped her chin and smiled.

"Is it okay if Luka came with?" Max asked again. Alya chatted with her boyfriend Nino. You noticed the couples all around. Alya with Nino, Ivan with Mylene, Nathaniel with Marc, Kim with Alex, Rose and Max were alone though. Same went for the oblivious couple.

"Hey Adrien~" You noticed Marinette tensed up. You looked at who it was. Lila.

"Oh my word, Not another one." You accidentally said loudly. Marinette turned around, you noticed her eyes were thirsting for justice. You smiled at her and looked at Lila. You heard unbelievable stories about her from your classmates. She was best friends with this one prince and she was so rich and she goes on vacations.

"Did you know that if you lie so much, your entire life is a lie. Then at the end you're as pathetic as the dust particles in the air. As my mother used to say, when you've done so much wrong. Karma will get you." You said loudly this time on purpose. Adrien had heard you and so had Lila. She glared at Marinette and you scoffed.

"I have no idea what you mean, I mean you don't even know me. Who are you?" She said in that fake girl voice.

"I am Y/N Agreste." You replied. She scoffed.

"You call me a liar." She said.

"It's true Lila, Y/N is my cousin." Adrien said, looking away from you. You knew how Adrien felt when it came to Lila. He felt there was no justice in fighting against her. She got akumatized so many times you suspected it was willing.

"So it's true. You're an Agreste." Lila scoffed and left. Everyone looked at you with frowns. Everyone except for Alya, Adrien and Marinette.

"The fact that you guys don't even see who she really is, you guys are the worst friends. If you even call yourselves friends." You noticed Juleka had been one of those to glare, you clicked your tongue in disappointment.

You didn't expect Juleka to be the same as them.

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