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We get caught up
In our current lives

And forget
Everything else

What we used to be
Who we wanted to be
Why we are what we are

Our past selves looking at us
There innocent eyes and chubby faces
And they ask
"Who's that?"

We don't even answer
And turn our backs
On what happened back then
And we run

And run

And run

We keep running
And watch
As the world keeps spinning
Moving on
Yet we seem to stay the same

The future looks down on us
Shaking their heads
If only they had the sense back then
To stop running

If only
They could change what happened
Way back when

So they run

And they run

And they run

The only way
To find some peace
To them
To us
Is to run

Until death catches up
And we can rest our legs
Lay down our tired hearts
And close our teary eyes

Those innocent eyes
That chubby face

I guess they weren't enough huh?

To make you try-
To make us try
To change
When we had the chance

We saw the flaws
We saw what needed to happen
But we ran

But everything we tried to run from
Followed closely
Until we couldn't run anymore
And we were swallowed whole

Now we wonder

What we used to be
Who we wanted to be
Why we are the way we are

What went so badly during our life?

But that is just another question
Another problem
We ask

We can't handle the answer
So we keep running

The Words I couldn't SayWhere stories live. Discover now