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I'm going to be serious
More so than usual

When you tell someone your dream
Are you telling them while looking at the sky
Or are you just letting the words spill out

Does you ache with saudade
Does your heart thump loudly in your chest
Does your mind tremble at the thought of losing it

When you tell someone your dream
Are you telling them your dream or a dream someone else has for you

My whole life
I've been told to be something along the lines of a writer
Actually that's all I've been told because apparently that's what I'm "good" at
That's their dream for me

My whole life
I've thought writing was fun
But I've never had a desire to let it consume me whole

I don't want to be what other people want me to be

But it sucks when you get praised for something you aren't very passionate about and not for something you work for because you're passionate

It really does

Then when I tell them
With my whole heart
What I want to do

They just stare
As if they didn't expect me to do have a dream of my own

And then you have the people that don't take me seriously because of my age

The people who say I'm wasting my writing ability

How could I possibly know what I want to do with my life when I'm just a hormonal teenager

It's irritating

My dream is and forever will be my dream
My whole life it's been with me
It's what's there when no one else is
It's the only reason I'm not dead

I would be gone if I didn't have it with me
I'd be six feet under

Age does not define my mental ability
I know for a fact it doesn't
Because I know and understand more things than the "adults" in my life

I understand that he can be arrogant and unsympathetic
I understand she can be ignorant and often confused
I understand people aren't perfect and never will be
I understand my pain is not only mine that no matter what I'm dealing with doesn't mean I can take it out on others

So when you tell someone your dream

Is it really your dream
Or is it something your just good at

Maybe you don't have a dream
If you don't
Don't force yourself to say you have one

Your dream is yours for a reason
My dream is mine for a reason

You won't bow down to someone else's expectations
I won't bow down to someone else's expectations

Your dream is what your willing to live for not die for
My dream is what I'm willing to live for not die for

What do you live for
What keeps you going
What do you strive for
What do you yearn for

What's the one thing that makes the pain fade into the darkness

What's your dream

The Words I couldn't SayWhere stories live. Discover now