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after school, luke did as promised and called calum. the older boy instantly picked up his phone.

"hi, how was your day?" calum asked, his head resting against his pillow. he hadn't left bed at all today because frankly, he felt like shit.

"i'm on my way. be there in ten," luke said before hanging up. he didn't give calum time to respond. the tan boy let out a loud groan, hitting the spot beside him.

soon, luke pulled into the parking lot and informed calum that he had arrived. calum did his best to hurry down. he smiled once he saw luke, climbing in the car. he leaned over the arm rest and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

the car ride to the bar was silent, and not a comfortable silence. it dug deep.

"what are you doing after this?" calum asked, finally breaking the quiet. luke just shrugged.

"im sorry, i didn't mean to do be a dumbass. it just happened. i promise i won't do it again. please just talk to me," calum begged, puffing out his bottom just like luke did when he wanted something.

"i'm going home. you can come if you want," luke said when he pulled in the parking lot. he made sure calum got into his car before taking off towards home.

he wasn't surprised when he saw calum's car following behind him. he was hoping he would come over. luke arrived home and stepped out his car, waiting for calum. the tan boy parked his car and jogged over to luke, placing his hand on his hip.

the small boy opened the front door, leading calum to his room. he took off his shoes and placed them
nicely on the shoe rack.

"im sorry," calum whispered as he brought himself to the middle of luke's bed.

"i know," luke responded before going over to his bed. typically, he would never do this. but right now he couldn't stop himself. he straddled the older boy's waist and leaned down, pressing his lips against calum's plump lips a bit more harsh than normal.

surprised, calum kissed him back, moving his hands underneath his long sleeve shirt to hold his hips. he quickly pulled away, looking into luke's blue eyes.

"are you sure you're okay doing this?" calum asked, wanting to make sure that it wasn't some mistake and that he just wanted to smack him in the face instead.

luke nodded his head, pushing his lips back against his. their lips moved together for awhile until calum pulled away once again. instead, he moved down to his neck where he pressed gentle kisses.

luke let out a whine when calum had found that one spot on his neck. the tan boy smirked against his skin and began to suck on the pale skin.

"i hope you know im still mad at you," luke managed to squeak out in between moans. calum stopped once he saw the bruise forming, he let out a small chuckle.

"and i hope you know how much you mean to me."

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