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quickly, calum forgave luke for the whole fight. it was just a bunch of emotions that they had both been putting off. after talking it through, they felt almost too attached to each other. luke would be at school and calum would be at work and they wouldn't feel complete until they were with each other.

calum laid on his living room floor, playing some random game whil luke was sitting on the couch with a dinner tray in front of him and a canvas in front of him. he told calum he was painting something for him, but it was a secret on what it was until he was done.

luke let out a frustrated groan, looking at the painting in front of him. "i think i messed up," he mumbled.

"i bet it's fine, lu," calum reassured him, taking his attention away from his phone to look at him.

"im dumb," the blonde whispered, realizing that he in fact didn't mess up, he was just putting too much pressure on himself.

he worked in silence, the only sound coming from calum humming on the floor. it was peaceful but the older boy was growing antsy. he wanted to see what he could possibly be doing.

"luke, hurry i wanna see," calum whined, poking luke's foot. it took all of the younger boy not to kick him in the face right then and there.

"im almost done, quit touching my feet," luke's attention shifted towards calum, giving him the death glare. he hated when his feet were touched.

"i know you have like a secret foot fetish," calum joked, now just trying to get a rise out of him. luke gagged in response, shaking his head furiously.

after approximately thirty minutes of calum just being plain annoying, luke was finished. he smiled widely at his work, he was extremely proud.

"come look," he told him. calum jumped up off the ground and walked around the couch and behind luke, placing his head on top of the blonde's.

"oh baby," calum whispered, amazed at what he had just done.

"your rose tattoo is my favorite, so i painted it," luke said, giggling just a bit. he had made the rose but painted it his own favorite color just so it was a part of the both of them.

"i love it, you're so amazing," the older boy exclaimed, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. his heart hurt so bad right now.

he would cherish this and him for the rest of his life.

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