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calum sat cross legged on the end of luke's bed, holding a set of flash cards while a frustrated luke sat against the pillows. luke has an important history test tomorrow and he couldn't remember a single thing.

"lu, maybe if you take a break you'll feel better after," calum suggested, giving him a supportive smile.

luke shook his head, "no i need to remember it now," he said, his tone unintentionally snarky. he rubbed his temples harshly, groaning loudly.

"kids are writing their essays for this about how history was influenced by parents. most 'bad people' had a horrible relationship with their parents. but i don't want to write about bad things, cal. i wanna be positive," the younger boy ranted, staring at the ceiling fan as he thought.

"uh, write about how parents influenced them in a positive way? take a spin and go off that," calum said, shrugging his shoulder. it was a simple suggestion, but it was useful in his mind. then again, calum was never one of the best students in class.

"you're a genius," luke smiled, leaning over to peck his lips. sometimes luke failed to think of easy things, he always made it too hard on himself.

the next day, luke took his test. he felt confident on both the true and false and multiple choice. the essay was his least favorite part, but he used calum's prompt idea. he wrote until his tiny hand felt like it was falling off.

a few hours later, he got a notification for his grading app and felt his heart drop. he couldn't look, he needed to make someone else do it.

so, when he got off school he drove straight to calum's. he marched up the stairs and opened the apartment door with the spare key, even though calum was home.

"cal!" he called out, looking in the living room and kitchen. he chewed on his bottom lip as he began toward the bathroom, giving it a soft knock.

"babe, are you in there?" once again, no answer. he walked into the bedroom, and there was calum. he had a pillow over his head, loud snores leaving his mouth. he was obviously exhausted.

luke shook him gently, trying to wake him up so he could look for him.

"hm," calum groaned, moving the pillow off his head to look at his beautiful boyfriend standing beside his bed.

"can you look at my essay grade for me," he asked, pressing his thumb onto the home button to unlock it before he handed him the phone. calum rubbed his eyes before clicking on the app.

"you got an a," he whispered, locking luke's phone and placing it on the bedside table, "now take your shoes off and come lay with me."

luke nodded his head, taking his shoes off as fast as possible. he picked up the covers and climbed underneath, pressing his backside against calum. the tan boy's arm wrapped around his small waist.

it didn't take calum to fall asleep, it was probably less than five minutes. the snores picked back up, but a bit softer this time. luke took a bit longer to fall asleep, but soon enough they were both out like a light.

both of them managed not to hear luke's phone ring seventeen times from his mom wondering where he was.

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