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"goodness, it feels like a short time ago i brought you to the temple and now you are to be trained under my old apprentice." master kenobi said as we walked towards the jedi cruiser, where anakin skywalker was said to boarding soon.

"i find it hard to believe myself, master kenobi."

"i should warn you though, anakin did not request a new padawan and he may not take you lightly."

"i understand."

"good." he nodded before he spotted his former apprentice. "anakin!"

"i didn't realize you were coming on this mission master." anakin acknowledged his old master, with a bit of a smile on his face.

"i am not. i have other duties here."

"who's the youngling?"

"i'm your new padawan learner. the name's ada halsey." i introduce myself.

"what!" anakin said in disbelief, the smile from his face dropping. "i didn't ask for a new padawan. this has got to be a mistake."

"well, master yoda doesn't usually make mistakes so i'm pretty sure it's true."


"we'll sort this out when you get back." master obi-wan interrupted. "you two better get going. you better get to that planet before the separatists cause anymore damage."

anakin sighed. "yes master."

as he boarded the ship, he turned around to see me standing in the same spot. "you coming, youngling?"

i nodded as i ran over and onto the ship as obi-wan looked on approvingly.

"so, where are we headed?"

"ithor. now, listen here youngling, i'm sure this really is a mix up but until then this is what you'll do. you'll observe and follow my orders unless instructed otherwise, is that understood?"

i nodded. "yes master."

we entered the bridge, which was surrounded by clones. it was truly a sight to see.

"general skywalker, we've made contact with our forces on ithor. the separatists have entered the system and have sent down enemy droid reinforcements. our troops are holding them back as much as they can." a clone, with blue and white armor stated.

"let's hope they can hold them back until we get there." master skywalker replied.

the clone then acknowledged me. "new padawan, sir?"

"there's been a mix up, but she's with me until we can sort it out."

"there isn't a mix up. master yoda said that 'i've been assigned to anakin skywalker and he is supervise my jedi training.'"

i was already tired of him saying that it was a mix up and i've been with him for less than five minutes.

"we've all heard that one before." i heard the clone mutter under his breath as anakin looked between me and him with a glare.

"why don't you two go down to landing bay and help with the preparations? i'll call you back up when i come up with a plan."

"right away sir. c'mon youngling."

i rolled my eyes for the clone calling me a youngling, but i followed him anyways.

"what did you mean when you said 'we've all heard that one before?'" i ask the clone as we walk.

"with all due respect sir, it's not my place to say."

"he wasn't expecting on getting commander tano either, was he?"

"no, he wasn't."

"i assume she said that exact statement."

"pretty much." he chuckled a bit at my guesses. "what's your name kid?"

"ada halsey, and you?"

"captain rex."

"good to meet you."

"if it's worth anything, i think you're exactly what the general needs right now after losing commander tano."

"i don't think i'll ever live up to her legacy, but thanks captain."

the new padawan » anakin skywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now