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fifteen years later.


"be respectful and show my knowledge, but too much."

"precisely, my young apprentice."

upon landing on naboo, my apprentice and i walked off of ship and into the palace.

"it's a pleasure to see you master jedi." one of the queen's guards greeted us. "the queen and your company are waiting in the throne room."

"let's not keep them waiting." i tell him.

upon entering the throne room, we bowed to the queen as she smiled. "i am glad to see you all could make it to our light festival."

"we wouldn't miss it your highness." i replied.

i nodded respectfully towards padmé, obi-wan, anakin, and master yoda as my padawan did the same before we went to go stand with ahsoka and her apprentice.

"now the chancellor organa is coming, correct?" the queen clarifies.

"yes, your majesty. he should be here soon, escorted by more jedi." padmé informs her.

the queen then smiles at the two padawans. "is this your first light festival?"

"no, your majesty. we've seen it before when we were young." my padawan answered, respectively.

"you speak for your fellow student?"

"he does not my queen, but we're twins. we were also born here." ahsoka's padawan then answered.

the queen then smiled at the two of them before looking to padmé and anakin. "these are your children, am i correct?"

"yes, your highness." anakin replied, a glimmer of pride on his face. "they're currently under the training of my former apprentices."

"i can see that." she smiled again at the two young jedi standing before her, before going back to business.


"how's luke doing in his training?" anakin asked, once the meeting was deemed over.

i had ordered luke to go with leia, yoda, obi-wan, and ahsoka to ensure the safety of their mother and the queen.

"he's stronger in the force everyday. his lightsaber skills are just like yours. he's doing great, master. i am proud to be his teacher."

anakin and i smiled at each other.

"i hear leia's progress is going extremely well."

"that's what ahsoka tells me. she also tells me my daughter is just as stubborn as i am."

i laugh. "well, i guess it runs in family. i find myself having the same problem with luke but we're all stubborn."

"that's very true." he chuckled. "now would you say luke's stronger in the force or in lightsaber training?"

"he's fantastic in both, but his ability with the force outmatches anything he can do with a lightsaber."

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