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"master." i approach him, as he acknowledged me before while focusing on the blue surrounding us as we entered hyperspace.

"hey, get some rest?"

"not really. you?"

he shook his head.

"i had another vision." i tell him as his gaze left space and turned to me.

"what was it about?" he whispered so the troopers around couldn't hear.

"mandalore's in trouble."

"mandalore?" he questioned. "what's going on?"

"maul's taken over."

his eyes went wide.

"are you sure?"

"if we get contacted by an ally in the next rotation, then yes." i confidently replied.

i couldn't tell him who that ally is, incase it wasn't true. i knew he would get too excited or have some kind of hope, and i would't be able to forgive myself if it wasn't true.

"i know due to old treaties we wouldn't be able to help, but would we?"

"depends on our orders. if our orders are to be elsewhere, then no. but if not, i say we will." he told me. "what does the force tell you?"

"we'll be there for some of it. me and you don't face maul though. at least i don't think we will. you know my visions come in pieces."

"relax. the future will reveal itself to us in time you know that."

"yes, i just hate that the future is always uncertain."

"your visions have served us well in the past. i'm confident that they'll do so again." he replied. "you have become very powerful young one, and i am very proud."

"thank you master." i bow respectfully as he smiled.

"we must prepare for battle now, we can't worry about what's going on with mandalore until it becomes our problem."

"how's obi-wan holding up?"

"as far as i could tell, he's doing fine. but, like always, he's gonna need rescuing eventually."

"you should have more faith in your old master."

"i do, but i also know he gets himself into uncertain situations where we have the honor of rescuing him."


"master, left side!" i yell over the gunfire as i slice a droid in half with my lightsaber.

anakin quickly reacted as he used the force to hold the droid so he could finish his business with one, before slicing the other.

"thanks!" he yelled.

we advanced on the droids with the 501st flying in the air above us.

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