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"are you alright, my padawan?" anakin asks as we made our way to the hanger bay to prepare for battle.

"why wouldn't i be?"

"i can sense some anxiety from you. is it about this or the people of mandalore?"

i couldn't tell him about the visions i had been having... not yet.

"yes, master." i lied.

"ahsoka and rex have it under control. with our best efforts, hopefully we'll finally get maul in custody."

"yes, and hopefully he'll stay there." obi-wan joins the conversation.

obi-wan, anakin, and i hopped into our fighters to lead to space invasion.

intelligence has it that the chancellor was on grevious' ship so, by design, that's where we were headed.

flying by each ship attempting to destroy droids that were coming our way with the clone troopers behind us.

"masters, general grevious's ship is directly ahead, the one crawling with vulture droids." i reported to the two older jedi.

"oh, i see it. oh, this is going to be easy." obi-wan replied.

"i hope so master. let's not jinx it." i say over comms as i heard anakin chuckle.

more droids started to come toward us as obi-wan communicated with the troopers.

"this is where the fun begins." anakin stated before we headed fully into battle.

long story short, obi-wan lost his astromech to buzz droids, we lost troopers, we got an "i have a bad feeling about this" from obi-wan and then he crashed into grevious's hanger, anakin and i landed near him.

immediately upon arriving, we jumped out the ship and destroyed the droids that had been "guarding" the hanger.

they stood no chance against us.

once we were finished, r2 pulled up the data from the ship.

"the chancellor's signal is coming from right there - the observation platform at the top of that spire."

"i sense something, and i don't like it." i say, turning to the two while readjusting my cloak.

"i sense it too." anakin replies. "i sense count dooku."

"i sense a trap." the older jedi tells us.

"next move?"

the two older jedi turned to each other, smiling, as obi-wan responded. "spring the trap."

as we started to walk away, r2 whistled after us as anakin gave him strict orders to stay with the ship. i passed the little droid a comlink so he could stay in touch with us.

honestly, i was surprised anakin didn't keep me in the hanger bay with r2.

we both ran through the hallways until we got a lift that would take us to the chancellor's location.

while we were waiting, destroyers pulled up on us as we deflected their shot while backing up into the waiting elevator.

the minute the doors closed, we all heard the mechanical sound of type one battle droids as they ordered his to drop our weapons, their own pointed at us.

we all turned around, i looked to between my masters as they looked at each other before we reignited our lightsabers, destroying all of them with no hesitation.

and then there was the next problem. the elevator came to a halt.

"did you press the stop button?" obi-wan asked anakin.

"no, did you?"

"no." obi-wan then turns to me. "did you?"

"no master."

anakin looked up. "well, there's more than one way out of here. wanna show obi-wan how it's done spunky?"

i ignited by lightsaber as i cut through the roof on the elevator before hopping outside of it to look for a door we could escape out of.

during that, obi-wan had said that he didn't wanna get out he wanted to get moving before asking r2 to activate the elevators.

well, i guess he got the elevator working before it flew out from under me as i grabbed the nearest landing platform.

not even a minute after i got myself to hanging at the middle of the platform, the doors opened with type one battle droids pointing their weapons down at me. "hands up jedi."

i looked down at the elevator, hoping it would make its way up soon.

luckily after a few seconds it did, as i jumped from wall to wall before jumping back inside the elevator.

anakin and obi-wan activated their lightsabers at the sudden presence.

"oh, it's you." anakin said.

"surprised?" i ask. "what was that all about?"

"well r2 is being a," before obi-wan could finish his sentence, of course anakin came to the little droid's defense.

"no loose wire jokes."

"did i say anything?"

"he's trying."

"i didn't say anything!"

"why am i not surprised you two are arguing about this." i tell the two of them. "i'm fine though, thanks for asking."

"not the time for jokes ada." anakin reprimanded me as we got to the floor.

we walked out to see an empty room. no battle droids. no sith lords. only the chancellor, whose hands were forced down onto the chair he was sitting.

something still didn't seem right. i still sensed the dark side of the force.

we made our way toward the chancellor, looking around cautiously.

when we arrived in front of him, obi-wan and i bowed out of respect.

my master cut straight to the chase. "are you alright?"

"count dooku." was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

we all turned, and there was the man of the hour.

obi-wan and anakin exchanged some words that i didn't quite hear. i was focused on the count.

he wasn't at all what i thought he'd be if i'm being honest.

definitely thought he'd be a lot older.

like master yoda old.

whatever, i just knew we were gonna take him on.

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