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anakin and i stood in the war room with obi-wan, madame joscasta, masters yoda, windu, and plo koon as they talked about a jedi master sifo-dyas.

he was apparently killed on a moon near oba diah. we don't know how or why.

from what i understand, according to master skywalker, it was this sifo-dyas that constructed the grand army of the republic.

apparently, he did not get approval from the council or the senate.

anakin also told me that master kenobi was the one who found out about the clone army when he went to kamino to speak about a bounty hunter named jango fett.

at the time, he was hired by the separatists to kill senator amidala. obi-wan's investigation led him to the planet where he found all of sifo-dyas' plans for the republic.

madame joscasta explained everything we had on the jedi master and what he was up to. when asked about the boyd she informed us that the rest of the file was sealed by the office of the supreme chancellor.

as she walked out, you could tell master yoda was conflicted.

"to felucia, skywalker and kenobi will go. a trail long cold it is, yet still lay hidden there a clue might be." he turned to the two jedi. "question all who were present the day of sifo-dyas' death, you must."

"and my padawan?" anakin asks.

"she will go with you to felucia." master windu said, before he turned to question master yoda. "and what of the sealed file?"

"speak with the chancellor personally i will, to see what part in this politics of the senate have played."

with that, anakin, obi-wan, and i bowed toward the wiser jedi before making our way to the ship.

"did you know master sifo-dyas?" i ask.

"personally, no. i did not. i was a padawan learner back then. prior to blockade of naboo, he was on the council until they deemed his ideas to be too extreme. he said he foresaw a great conflict and that the republic would need to raise an army. they rejected it, but obviously we were wrong to do so." obi-wan replied.

"i thought qui-gon knew him?" anakin asked.

"he did. doesn't mean i did."

"who's qui-gon?" i ask.

"he was my master. he was killed by a sith apprentice during the battle of naboo. i watched it with my own eyes." obi-wan sunk his head down a bit, at the memory.

"i'm sorry, master kenobi."

"hey, look on the bright side, he made sure i got into the temple to start my jedi training." anakin said, trying to brighten the mood.

"oh yes, let us not forget that." obi-wan replied before continuing. "but, that former sith apprentice goes by the name of darth maul."

"i remember now. i read about it in my studies. didn't you kill him?" i ask.

"i thought i did." obi-wan sighs. "i don't know how, but he's still alive."

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