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         we stared at the sith lord, awaiting his move.

"get help, you're no match for him. he's a sith lord." palpatine said.

obi-wan turned to him. "chancellor palpatine, sith lords are our specialty."

and that's when the dramatic jedi tradition of removing the cloaks happened.

oh yes, anakin, obi-wan, and i did it all at the same time.

at this point, i'm surprised anakin let me stay. well,  not much place else to go now.

"your swords, please." the count requested. "wouldn't want to make a mess of things in front of the chancellor."

"you won't get away this time, dooku." obi-wan said igniting his lightsaber, anakin and i following.

"ah, skywalker, i see you brought your precious padawan into this."

"go, protect the chancellor." anakin quickly orders before him and obi-wan pursued the count.

i kept my lightsaber ignited so i was ready for anything. i turned to make sure the chancellor was okay as he watched the fight carefully.

"you should be there helping, you know?"

"with all due respect chancellor, i'm following my master's orders to protect you." i tell him.

something continued to be off about him, but i couldn't place what.

i watched obi-wan head for the ground as anakin continued to duel the count up the stairs.

obi-wan slowly followed as he took on the droids before meeting the two dueling.

that didn't take very long as the count kicked my master back, and force threw obi-wan as he hit a railing before falling to the ground.

to make matters worse, the count attempted to drop a piece of the balcony on him.

i did my best to keep it off obi-wan. the count quickly noticed where i was, sending bolts my way as i blocked him with my lightsaber while holding the heaviness of the balcony with my other hand so it wouldn't crush obi-wan.

anakin kicked the count off to the original floor, which stopped the bolts but also left so much heaviness of the balcony.

after i managed to set it elsewhere, i heard anakin yell. "ada! get obi-wan!"

in that moment, i ran over to the man who i considered a mentor and a friend.

i disengaged my lightsaber, putting it on my belt as i checked his vitals which led me to believe that he was fine. he was just knocked unconscious for the time being.

my eyes moved between the chancellor and the duel that was going on in front me.

within the force, there was something bothering me deep down.

almost as it were to say we're not engaging the right enemy.

by the time i even thought to say anything, anakin had cut off the count's hands and had him on his knees.

the chancellor kept pushing for master skywalker to kill him, and well... he did.

the count's head went rolling a few feet away from his body. a disgusting thing to see, but i knew and anakin knew that what he had done was not the jedi way, especially because he had been unarmed.

i could sense the regret in my master.

the chancellor tried to encourage anakin to believe that he did the right thing since dooku was the one who took anakin's arm when he was a padawan. he insisted that a anakin just "wanted revenge."

after they wrapped up their little conversation, the chancellor tried to leave without obi-wan and i as anakin ran towards us.

"there's no time. we must get out of here before it's too late." the chancellor told anakin.

"how is he?" my master asked.

"he's fine master, just knocked unconscious." anakin nodded at my report.

"he seems to be alright." he then told the chancellor.

"leave him or we'll never make it." the chancellor then said.

"then his fate is the same as ours." anakin argued before getting his former master over his shoulders as we ran out of the room with the chancellor.

unfortunately, the elevators weren't working at that moment as i got on comms with the astromech asking him to activate it.

"see, we'll be fine." i say to my master.

before he could even answer, something rocked the ship sending us standing in the elevator shaft before running down it.

i guess they managed to stabilize the ship because it sent us flying down the shaft as the chancellor and i grabbed onto each one of anakin's legs as he grabbed onto a wire to stop us from falling.

we then heard obi-wan's startled tone as he further grabbed onto his former apprentice.

"easy, we're in a bit of a situation." anakin eased him.

"did i miss something?" obi-wan asked.

"a ton!" i yelled from my position.

"hold on." anakin tried to ease everyone. that was until the elevator came barreling down and we couldn't find r2.

"too late! jump!" obi-wan ordered as we all did, not wanting to be killed.

anakin and obi-wan knew we had to get out of the shaft at some point as we deployed our grappling hooks and swung unto one of the floors, landing flat on our backs.

we groaned for a second as we stood up, dusting ourselves off and making sure the chancellor was okay.

"maybe there's something in the hanger that's still flyable." i suggest as anakin tried to get r2 on comms.

we were running through the hallway, trying to find a hanger. any hanger at this point to get off this grease bucket.

everything was going fine and dandy until we got caught... that's right you guessed it.

in a ray shield.

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