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nervous wasn't even the word to describe what ahsoka and i were feeling right now upon landing to our destination.

we were greeted by bail organa, the nervousness in his eyes as he spoke. "this way."

the two of us followed him up the path as we were then met with master yoda.

"master, how's the senator doing?" i ask.

"about to give birth, she is." master yoda replied.

it was clear that we couldn't see her right now.

i focused my energy to feel what was happening in the room.

"how is she?" obi-wan's voice startled me. since i was focusing on my task, i clearly did not sense him.

"we're waiting for an update, master kenobi." ahsoka informed him as the jedi master nodded.

a few anxious moments later, with a few of us pacing, the update came.

"padmé and the babies are doing fantastic." anakin smiled widely at us, as everyone returned a smile.

i could sense the relief in him.

okay, so, i know you're wondering what happened in the senate building. well, it's exactly what you think.

anakin fulfilled his destiny and brought balance to the force. he killed palpatine. after it happened, there was no words spoken between any one; not until someone came for the body. after that, we all went back to the temple.. even ahsoka. neither of us have gotten anakin to really speak to us until now, which we understood. especially me.

we were able to uncover all of palpatine's plans of the battle station he was planning to construct called 'the death star' and arrested any one who was an accomplice to it, including, but not limited to, captain tarkin.

captain rex's complaint to kamino was watched throughout the senate after a new leader took place, which so happened to be bail organa.

yes, he was elected and won. he used to be against the additional production of clones, but now he's between it. he sees what great work they do, but he also recognizes them as dangerous after seeing the complaint. he commissioned the kaminoins that if they continued to want to be in business, they would remove all chips from all the clones in the army of the galactic republic as well as any future clones. although many clones died from the procedure, a majority did survive.

now, back to anakin and what had happened within the walls of the temple. they knew of his marriage now, and we thought he was to be expelled but it was just the opposite. to be fair, obi-wan said in the room that he wasn't surprised that anakin and padmé were together. he knew something was going on since he was a padawan and now, that she was pregnant and never seen with another man or talked about one, it wasn't hard to put these things together. it was kind of funny to see anakin's face in that moment.

anyways, the jedi realized that they had so lost their way before and during the clone wars. this led them to conclude that they may need to change some traditions, even the ones that were thousands of years old.

they didn't disbar him, they made him a jedi master on the council for the good work he did. he showed the council that they could trust him and that's ultimately what they needed to be able to give master skywalker the ranking.

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