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the thing with master and apprentice is that they often have a force bond; a link through which two force sensitive people have in order to influence each other. it allows a communication of feelings, thoughts, and sometimes even images all from far distances. from what i've learned, this type of bond grows over time and it definitely takes time to form.

because of this bond, i could sit in my quarters and keep my focus on where anakin was and his emotions. i could see and feel them all.

he was sad. angry. betrayed.

minutes later, i could feel his presence shift from the council chambers. 

he was leaving the temple to go after the chancellor. 

i immediately signaled my ally as they immediately picked me up and we rushed to the senate building.

upon entering the room, force lighting from palpatine was being directed and blocked by master windu.

"he's the traitor!" palpatine told anakin, who had been standing back.

"he is the traitor!" master windu groans.

"I have the power to save the one you love." palpatine said as anakin looked.

"he's lying!" i yell, over the lightning as all attention was directed to myself and ahsoka.

"ahsoka? ada? what are you doing here?" anakin yells back, his lightsaber in hand.

"the chancellor has been manipulating you since the beginning."

"anakin, don't listen to them! they're traitors!"

"no, don't listen to him. maul said he's been grooming you since the beginning." ahsoka said to him.

"maul? why would you trust maul?"

"i didn't! i told him his vision was flawed until ada told me about her visions and we put it all together." 

"don't listen to them anakin! they want to kill the one you love! they want you to fail! only i have the power to save who you love!"

"no, we don't! master, he's been manipulating you from the start. taking you under his wing? that was so he could coerce you that he was the good guy in all of this. when in reality, he wants to make you his new apprentice. a pawn in his schemes. he will be the one to kill your wife. she won't die because child birth, she'll die of a broken heart because you've turned and because he will use her life to save yours."

anakin looked at me shocked. "how do you know all of that?"

"that doesn't matter. what matters is that if you fulfill your destiny as the chosen one and save yourself from your twisted fate." ahsoka tells him.

the lightning from one of palpatine's hands shifted our way as i jumped in front of anakin and ahsoka to deflect it, as master windu continued to deflect the other.

"that's not possible. i saw padmé dying in childbirth."

"it's not a real vision. he was manipulating you. i saw those visions too. remember how i told you my visions had been surrounded by the dark side so i couldn't trust them? that's because he was feeding them to both of us. he knew i felt unreliable with my force visions. but master, i'm confident in his betrayal and manipulation towards you, especially after ahsoka's input about what maul said to her." i tell him before groaning from the power it took to hold my lightsaber from the lightning.

"i, i don't believe you."

"good, anakin good, they're trying to deceive you!" sidious said.

"anakin, you've told me how strong ada is in the force. how do you not believe her?" ahsoka asked.

"i, i just want padmé to live. you have no proof that she will. i've seen her future. she dies just like..."

in that moment, i let one hand go of the lightsaber, making it ten times harder to hold the lightning, as i grabbed a hold of anakin's wrist showing him my visions.

the good and the bad.

i showed him the life he will have if he kills the dark lord, right here, right now. i showed him that he will experience the birth of his children on naboo and get to see them grow. somehow, i'm not quite sure how, but he would be able stay in the jedi order. i showed him that padmé would survive and so would his children. i was able to show him that happiness that was felt between him and his wife as his children were placed him his arms as she smiled at them. i showed him the long life he was looking forward to having with his wife and children. 

i then showed him what his future was if he followed darth sidious. i showed him the life of pain he would live. he would lose his wife, and i showed him what i saw in her death. he would lose his wellbeing and freedoms. he would destroy the jedi, including the younglings. he would also become more machine than man. he would be everything he wasn't. he would hear all the screams of anyone he's ever hurt.  he would hear his wife begging him to come back to her before her fate was set by the dark lord. he wouldn't be anakin skywalker... he would darth vader. the thing that would top this off, and hopefully convince him, would be that the future of his children were uncertain in this vision.

once i let go, anakin had been overwhelmed. i was too. some of those visions had come to me now, but they were reliable. i was so sure of it. those were his two possible futures.

"master, remember the plot against the jedi that fives told us about? this is it. this is that plot. the chancellor wants you on his side so he's able to do it." i then say to him. "what i just showed you, that is both outcomes of your possible futures. i wouldn't show you if i didn't believe in them. you have to believe me, please!" 

i could feel the conflict within him, and i'm sure everyone else could too.

"anakin, if you trust your padawan as much as you say you do, you know she's right." ahsoka tells him. "and you'll realize that this dark lord is twisting your mind."

the lightning started impacting the chancellor. or so he played it off as.

"i...i...i...i can't. i...i...i'm too weak. i'm...i'm too weak." he kept saying. "anakin! help me. help me!"

the lighting stopped as we saw the damage done to his face. "i...i...i can't hold on any longer."

i fell to the ground from exhaustion as ahsoka kneeled next to me to care for me.

"i am going to end this once and for all." master windu declared.

"you can't." anakin said, lightsaber remaining in his hand.

"anakin! no!" ahsoka and i yelled out, fearing that he had chosen the wrong path.



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