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back at the temple, it was peaceful as it always is. 

younglings training, young jedi studying in the library, jedi masters roaming the halls, droids doing whatever they do.

after reporting to the council and the threat to senator amidala's life was deemed to be over, i went to my quarters to meditate. 

master yoda believes i should try and make more of a connection with the force, which is what i've been doing and it's been extremely difficult so far.

after that, i made my way into the training room to work on my lightsaber tactics.

i was about halfway through training with the training ball, a helmet on my head (that blocks my vision so i can feel the danger with the force), when i felt someone's presence at the door before they entered. they remained quiet as i continued to train.

i continued to try and remain focused on ball using the force, but the person's presence still lingered.

"you know i could feel your presence when you were outside the door, master skywalker." i spoke after a few more minutes.

"good, your senses serve you well. you have good technique with your lightsaber. you stay focused. very impressive youngling." i heard his voice as i stopped the session, taking the helmet off, and powering down the green lightsaber.

i sat on one of the benches to rest, putting my lightsaber on my belt, as he continued to stand in the same spot with his arms folded.

"have you come to inform me that i've been reassigned?" i asked.

"i admit, you're reckless little one."

i sunk my head down.

here we go.

"but, you'll definitely make it as my padawan."

i stared at him, quite shocked.

"i thought you didn't want another padawan. surely you brought it to the council's attention."

he sighed.

"i didn't. i realize that i treated you harshly at the beginning and that was unfair. i realize now that with a great amount of training and patience, you could become a great jedi."

"thank you." i replied as he smiled a bit. "there's something else, i can sense fear in you."

he sat down next to me as he spoke. "i just don't want to screw up again."

"you won't."

there was silence between us before i spoke up again.

"i knew her, you know?"


"yeah. we met a few times. she spoke highly of you and taught me things you taught her that nothing in the library could teach me." i told him.


i nodded at his question.

i then decided to be honest with him. he may have heard before but what's one more time from his new padawan?

"i don't believe that what happened to her was your fault. she was framed, and you helped prove that she was innocent. you can't take responsibility for that. it was her decision."

he nodded slightly, not knowing what to say. "obi-wan's said the same thing, but thanks spunky."

i rolled my eyes at the nickname.

"i know you miss her."

"yeah i do. we were close."

"i know." i replied with a sigh. "i know i'm not gonna amount up to her, but i'm gonna try."

"as long as you listen, you will." he then said with a genuine smile before getting up. "c'mon."

"where are we going?"

"the council is sending us on a mission. cruiser's waiting, let's role."

he started walking away as i just sat there in astonishment that i just had a conversation with him before i shook it away and quickly went beside him as we started to walk the halls of the temple. 

"so, i know how you know my old padawan, but how exactly to you know my master and the senator?"

"obi-wan? he was the one who brought me to the temple to begin my training."


"it was padmé amidala and obi-wan kenobi were the one's who found me on the streets of naboo and brought me home."


"that's where i come from yes." i replied. "i was orphaned very young when my parents determined i was force sensitive. orphanage was the same way when i was around three. they all wanted nothing to do with me."

"i'm sorry to hear that."

"don't be. we all come from some sort of background. i don't imagine tattooine was a picnic, but we got this life now."

his eyes looked down as i said the word tattooine before he turned his head back towards me.

"i suppose you're right."

"that'll probably be only the second time."

"a few days with me and you already know i'm usually always right. good, you're learning already." i rolled my eyes at my master's comment.

i have a feeling the council is gonna want to bang their heads against the wall for putting us together.

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