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they wouldn't stop.

i had multiple visions within the last couple of days.

one was about obi-wan with padmé, telling her to save her energy. to me, it felt as if it had been manipulated.

another was about anakin and padmé. they seemed to be back on naboo, but with a child in each of their arms. twins?

they were as happy as could be. it didn't look as if anakin had been barred from the order either. he was still wearing his jedi robes.

the dark side didn't surround this dream. that vision felt as real as it could be.

the next was about the chancellor.

it showed me what i suspected.

palpatine was the sith lord we were looking for.

the one who constructed this terrible war.

i immediately jumped up to go find master skywalker to tell him that he wouldn't be the one to face him alone.

i couldn't tell obi-wan for he was headed to find general grevious. it was too late to contact him at this point.

by the time i found anakin, he was barreling down the hallway towards the hanger.


"not now ada."

i manage to stop him for a second. "it's the chancellor! he's the sith lord we've been looking for."

"you're a little late on that one. i know." he brushed past me and into the hanger bay.

"master windu, i must talk to you." anakin informed the jedi as i rushed behind him.

"skywalker, padawan halsey, we just received word that obi-wan has destroyed general grievous. we're on our way to make sure the chancellor returns emergency power back to the senate."

"he won't give up his power. i've just learned a terrible truth, and my padawan has just seen in her visions which have been proven to be accurate."

we stopped in the middle of the hanger, turning to master windu.

"i think chancellor palatine is a sith lord."

the older jedi was taken back for sure. "a sith lord?"

"yes. the one we've been looking forward for."

"how do you know this?"

"he knows the ways of the force. he's been trained to use the dark side."

he must be the one manipulating my dreams. i just had to prove it.

"are you sure?"


windu turned to me, as i nodded before he looked back at anakin.

"then our worst fears have been realized." master windu replied. "we must move quickly if the jedi order is to survive."

anakin insisted on going to help arrest the chancellor, but master windu refused. he claimed the confusion in anakin is clouding his judgement.

"if what you've told me is true, you will have gained my trust." master windu ordered. "but for now, you and your padawan must remain here."

anakin nodded.

"wait in the council chambers until we return, skywalker."

master windu boarded the ship as anakin stood there, dumbfounded. "yes, master."

we watched the ship fly into the air before retreating into the temple.

"go to your quarters. wait for further instructions."

"yes, master."

i followed his order, going to my room to meditate further. i wanted to see if the force would show me anything else. the force showed me so much already. there was another piece that i needed to solve this puzzle.

and then i saw it.

the vision i needed to persuade him that he was being fooled; to keep my master in the light.

i immediately contacted my ally.

"it's time. i need your help."

"are you sure?"

"if my visions serve me well... we're going to have to stop anakin in the chancellor's chambers before anything else happens."

"and you've been able to found a way to prove your visions?"

"yes. the one's that are true if we don't get there too late. with your information, we'll be able to prove it and stop anakin from his dark fate. i just had one that'll persuade him our way"

"he is the chosen one, you know?"

"i know, but he deserves a future with his family. not one of pain and suffering."

"i'll be ready with a speeder outside the temple, signal me when it's time."

"you know i will."

"we're going to save him ada."

"we better because besides padmé and obi-wan, we're the only ones he trusts. if we can't keep him to trust us, i'm afraid we'll have to lose all hope."

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