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"and remember,"

"i know, i know. listen to command."

"good. i've taught you well." anakin nodded proudly to himself. "don't be nervous. if i can blow up a droid control ship when i was a kid with no flight experience, you can do this no problem."

"yes, yes. and you hit the main reactor from the inside and saved the day." i finished, getting into my fighter as he chuckled.

why did i have to do this?

"the people on the planet down below and the republic are counting on you."

oh, that didn't feel like more pressure to do well at all! thanks, master!

"i'll do my best." i simply reply, not feeling the need to be snappy with him now.

"may the force be with you."

i nodded as a thank you as he started to head up toward the bridge while final preparations were being made down here.

"cobra squad, check in." i command before we all readied our ships for take off.

"cobra 2 checking in."

"you are clear, you are clear."

"cobra 5, standing by."

"cobra 9 waiting orders commander."

after all the whole squad checked in, ada took a deep breath.

"let's take out them out boys!" i said as the squadron and i made our way out of the cruiser and into space.

"my blood's boiling for a fight." i heard one of the clones say over the comm channel as i laughed to myself a bit.

"you got yourself one, boys. let's turn them into scrap." i reply as the fire fight began.

my astromech beeped.

"i know r4, i'm nervous too. just do your best." i reply as i started doing the flips and tricks anakin had taught me in order to avoid separatist fire.

"boys, form up!" i say into comm channel when the path was clear to the separatist command ship. "we're heading right for that grease bucket."

"sir, yes, sir!"

"right away sir."

"oh the victory, i can already taste it."

"don't be so premature with that statement, track." i tell the excited trooper.

"sorry sir."

"it's okay, i like the enthusiasm. now let's get it!"

"commander, you're clear to proceed." i heard the admiral give the command, as i flew my ship right to the enemy's hanger deck with the clone squad behind me.

i fired upon it as the bridge of command ship exploded, before the rest of the ship went down with it.

we took out another ship's guns before the admiral spoke through the comm channel. "commander, the separatists forces are in full retreat."

"that's what i like to hear admiral. we're heading home now." i replied. "cobra to base command, we're heading home!"

the boys cheered through the comm channel as we turned our fighters back around.

we lost some good men i'll admit, but their sacrifice gave us a victory we so desperately needed.

as all the ships landed, all the clones were getting out of theirs celebrating with other clones. i sat in my starfighter for a minute as i observed them.

i don't know what the jedi or the republic would do without them.

"great work commander!" the clone trooper, hogg, said as he approached the side of my ship, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"the mission wouldn't have been a success without you boys." i reply, jumping out of the fighter so i could stand level with the troopers i had just commanded. "go, get some rest. you deserve it troopers. and that's an order."

"sir, yes, sir!" they all saluted before walking away.

"see! i knew you could do it!" i heard anakin's voice.

i turned to see him walking towards me with a huge smile on his face.

"all with your training, master."

"you're right. i do deserve most of the credit."

i rolled my eyes as he chuckled. "but, not all of it. you did great out there."

"couldn't have done it without the guys."

"you did exactly what i would've done in that moment. i'm so proud."

"aw, look at the old man so excited. i haven't seen you this proud since i got that honor given to me by the council after i fought off grevious in naboo or the first time i was able to reflect my force vision onto you."

"i've been proud of you multiple times after that. i was proud of you for rescuing obi-wan and for the mission on annexes."

"sure you have. but, not this proud where you're practically beaming."

"what can i say? i'm a proud teacher."

"you're getting cocky."

"am not."

"are too."

"uh, general," rex interrupted our bickering. "the council is waiting on your report."

"right, the council report."

"general windu and kenobi are waiting." rex reported. "nice job out there commander."

"thank you rex." i smiled at the clone.

"alright spunky, let's go brag about what you did before we do some repairs on your ship."

"you mean brag that i'm doing what you taught me?"

"basically." he smirked as we made our way out of the hanger.

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