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"good work you two.  the separatists should stay away from the planet now that we have established more of a presence there." obi-wan spoke after anakin gave a report to him and the jedi council.

i stayed quiet since i should only speak when spoken to.

that's what a majority of jedi padawans have told me before i was assigned to anakin and anakin told me several times before we got the transmission.

"hopefully, but it's not a guarantee. we can stay here for a few rotations while before heading back to the temple."

"needed immediately you are, on alderran." master yoda informed us.

"alderran? i wasn't aware anything was going on there." anakin replied, worried that the war had gone to that planet.

"a few of the senators have gotten together to discuss a possible new bill and there was a new threat issued against senator amidala. the chancellor just wants you  to oversee that the senator remains safe." master windu informed. "leave your fleet there and take a smaller ship with a few clones."

"very well masters.  we'll head there as soon as we can."

"are you up for it young padawan?" obi-wan asked as all the jedi master's eyes landed on me.

"yes my masters."

"good. may the force be with you."

we bowed respectfully before the transmission shut off.

"rex, round up the men coming back on board. we're leaving."

"sir, yes, sir."

anakin and i walked to the ship quietly, as his astromech moved behind us.

it was silence between us all the way to alderran.

i sat in the seat next to him as he talked to clones and made some new repairs to the ship. i just stared off into space and tried to meditate.

when we landed, we were greeted by clone troopers before being escorted into the building.

"i agree that this bill should go before the senate; however, the only way we can get it across is if we make a good case for it." i hear senator amidala's voice say as we walked towards the room her and the rest of the senators were in.

"i agree with senator amidala, as long as we make a good argument we can get this bill passed in senate." i then heard senator organa speak.

"so, it's decided then. we'll bring it before the senate in the next week." i heard a young male voice.

"yes, senator bontari. if the threat to senator amidala's life is eliminated by then, she'll stand with us but if anything, it would be representative binks that takes her place." senator organa stated.

"i will be fine to present before the senate either way."

"we'll be the judge of that." master skywalker then said, making all the senators aware of our presence.

"general skywalker, always a please to see you. i'm assuming you're her extra security." senator organa said as my master nodded.

"yes senator."

"i assure you, i'm fine." she replied.

"until the threat has been contained, we'll be the judge of that." anakin said as she then look towards me.

"ada? my goodness you've grown!"

"it's good to see you again senator."

"you two know each other?" anakin asked, obviously confused.

"yes from years ago, when i was just a child."

"are you anakin's padawan learner now?" she asked.

before i could answer the question, master skywalker insisted that if the meetings were complete, we should get going.

as we started to board the ship, i felt a disturbance. not the dark side, but danger.

i heard a gunshot and sprung into action, igniting my saber and deflecting the shot.

i noticed a sniper up ahead, but i couldn't see who it was so i ran for it.

"ada, wait!" i heard anakin yell.

ignoring his orders, i continued to run and jump as i chased after a bounty hunter.

from where i was, I could see it was a trandoshan.

the bounty hunter took shots at me as i deflected them with my lightsaber each time.

eventually, i caught up fully which led to me destroying his weapon, as we fought in hand to hand combat. well, really, it was me just jumping around trying to get a good kick or punch in as he just swung his arms.

as the clones eventually caught up, they were able to stun him as he fell to the ground.

"you could've gotten yourself or all of us killed!" anakin yelled after the clones took the trandoshan away.

"i know what i'm doing!" i fired back as anakin rolled his eyes.

"c'mon, we have to escort senator amidala back to the temple but this talk isn't over."

"yes master." i quietly reply.

as we returned back to the ship, padmé was surrounded with security.

"are you two alright?" she asked, a bit panicked over what just occurred.

"yes, just doing our mandate and protecting you senator." anakin assures her.

"you did well padawan. i thank you for your bravery young one." padmé smiled at me.

i bow slightly, as a sign of respect towards the former queen and to say thank you, before as we all sat in our proper seats before taking off.

this was going to be one tense ship ride back home.

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