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"remember, we're going to down the planet's surface to destroy the base that separatists have managed to put in place in an attempt to take the planet. right now, our forces are the only thing holding back the droids." anakin briefed his squadron.

"sir, how do you suggest getting past that blockade?" the arc trooper, identified as jesse, asked.

"that's the one thing i'm still thinking about."

there was a moment of silence before i spoke up.

"i mean we could take fighters down to planet's surface. all the fighters would have to do is protect the gunships."

"what fighters? clone fighters?" rex asked.

"yes, and master skywalker and i could take our fighters. we could create a path in order to get all the gunships to fly down to the surface. we could land the gunships behind our forces and move up on the attack. it's risky but it could be our best option to have the pilots cover the gunships."

everyone in the room just stared at me.

"i, actually, think that could work." anakin surprisingly said. "nice job."

i nodded back in a way of saying thank you.

"alright, let's get moving." he then said as the hologram on the screen disappeared and we all made our way to the hanger.

quite frankly, i was surprised to even see i had a fighter in the hanger.

"admiral, make sure everyone reports to their battle stations and launch all fighters." my master said into his comlink.

"right away sir."

"are you sure you even know how to fly a ship?" he then turned to ask me.

"i guess there's only one way to find out." i shrugged.

"why can't you just answer the question?"

"because, with all due respect master, i know you know the answer." i say hopping into my ship to get ready for take off.

i had flown a ship before but never like this. i was extremely nervous. my r4 astromech was too.

once the signal was given, we were fighting the battle in space. it was difficult to get past those cruisers, and we lost some pilots, but somehow my plan actually worked.

upon landing the jedi fighter and the gunships, everyone jumped out of where they were and begun fighting.

i ignited my green lightsaber and headed into battle next to my master.

"stay close!" i heard him yell above the gun fire as we made our way to the front lines.

from there, we destroyed battle droids and tried to regain control of the base.

master skywalker and i went more ahead to get a clear path one way as the troops handled the other way and we would meet when we re-took the base.

as we finished with some of the battle droids, two more rolled up to us.

"oh great, rolling death balls."



"i said, run!" anakin repeated as we started to run back.

after a few seconds, he yelled, "stop!"

as i did and re-activating my lightsaber, and cutting one as anakin cut the other.

"good, you take direction very well."

i nodded before i noticed more droids up ahead. "look."

he snapped his head in the direction i was pointing.

"alright, we're gonna have to take them out."

"obviously." i replied as he looked over at me disapprovingly.

"alright youngling, cut it down with the spunky attitude."

"i will, as soon as you accept that i'm your padawan and not a mistake."

"are we really going to-"

he was cut short when the droids started firing at us.

i started advancing without him.

"ada, wait!" i heard him yell, but i felt the need to prove myself so i did. taking out the battle droids on my flank and a tank, which i have no idea how i did that but i did. when my master had caught up to me, it was over.

we were met by the clones at our re-taken base.

"i told you to wait!" he yelled angrily. "you could've gotten yourself killed!"

"i got what needed to be done, overwith. the battles done and over on our end."

"doesn't mean the rest of the battle is won. you should've followed orders! you don't have to be so reckless to prove yourself! god, i wish ahsoka was here." he said.

i expected that to come out of his mouth sooner rather than later, so it didn't hurt me as much.

i mean, i was a padawan he didn't want.

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