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"JISUNG," Was what Jisung heard down the hallway. It was Felix running towards his way. Breathless he stopped in front of the confused other. When he had his breath back to normal, he looked at the other and saw the confusion.

"Its Minho. I can't live with him!" Felix said seriously and made the other even more confused.

"Can we go inside and talk?" Felix asked and pointed towards Jisung's dorm and the other just nodded and went inside with Felix.

"Soooo what has happened with Minho," Jisung asked after they sat down in Jisung's bed.

"Yesterday Minho had friends over, and they were really loud, and I just tried to sleep but then I was hungry, so I decided to go to the kitchen to get something to eat. When I was at the door, I heard one of his friends-"

"WAIT! Was Hyunjin there?" Seungmin suddenly asked running out of the bathroom where he apparently has heard it all. Felix was surprised by his actions but felt like he was hiding something.

"I have no idea who Hyunjin is? Do you have a crush on him?" Felix asked and wiggled his eyebrows. Seungmin quickly got embarrassed and Felix and Jisung took that as a yes and started laughing loudly, making the other run back to the bathroom to finish up what he was doing.

"Back to the story," Jisung said after he was done laughing.

"Okay yeah. So, I heard one of his friends say something like 'are your roommate cute' and he actually said I was cute, but he more wanted me as a sex buddy. So today when I woke up, I met him shirtless and he teased me so much I had to leave so I ran to you," Felix said and suddenly felt a bit of panic rise up in him.

"Oh.....," Was the first reaction from Jisung.

"Do you like him?" Jisung asked and Felix gazed up to his friend and gazed down again.

"Maybe...." Felix muttered out very quietly but Jisung heard it.

"Maybe you should confess and see what happens?" Jisung said making the other gaze up at him but this time with a very frightened look.

"Confess?! No no no no," Felix answered and walked around the room almost panicking.

"Okay then don't!" Quickly said making him stop walking around the room.

"Then just make him fall in love with you so you won't become his sex buddy?" Jisung said and sounding like a person that didn't have any ideas at all. Jisung haven't even tried himself to have a boyfriend or girlfriend so he didn't really know how it felt or worked but he thought he did at least.

Felix just sighed and thanked for his help walking slowly back to his dorm hoping he wouldn't see Minho right now.

Hey guys it has been a while since I last updated so here. Hoped you had a great Christmas

I love u all <3

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