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So there they sat. All the boys ready to play the game truth or dare. Almost all excited except the one and only Felix. He felt nervous about what would happen. Did Minho's friends know about what he did to Minho and how he teased him? It made him more and more nervous.

"So I guess I will start?" Minho asked and the boys just nodded. He looked around the room even though Felix knew he would pick him anyway he just tried to make it less and obvious. And as he just predicted Minho smirked at him and stared into his eyes.
"Felix. Truth or dare?" The smirking Minho asked the other that was very nervous.
"T-truth," The younger stuttered out.

Even though Minho was a bit drunk he already knew what he wanted to do with Felix.
"Do you like anybody in this room?" Minho asked smirking and raising one eyebrow at the same time.

Felix got nervous but knew he had to answer. He sighed a bit before opening his mouth.
"Yes," he answered embarrassed and gazing down. He could hear the uuuhh's from some of the boys but just shrugged it off. It was only Jisung and Minho that were the only ones knowing who it would be. They both could see that Felix was pretty obvious about it.

The game went on with the truths and dares, not really much happening. Since the boys were a bit drunk the most of them was a bit sexual which was not really Felix's taste but he still played along. The biggest thing happening was Seungmin confessing he had a crush on someone there nothing more sexual happened until Felix was asked again.

"Felix! Truth or dare?" The smirking Chan asked. Felix got really nervous because he knew it would have to do with something about the person he liked. Nervously he opened his mouth again to answer that same question.
"Dare this time," Felix nervously answered and got a even bigger smirk back from the older Chan who asked the question.

"Then...... grab your crush and go to one of the spare room and stay there for the night." He dared the younger who now was in total shock. But he wasn't the only one. No. All the boys was in total shock. Would this seriously happen? Who is his crush? I hope it's me! Was some of the thoughts some of the boys had when that dare was asked.

Felix nervously got up and stood in the middle of the circle feeling his weak knees barely holding him up.

Hey everyone thanks for almost 800 reads!!!
I can see there are some that really like this one. Especially since it's a less popular ship. So I will of course continue it!

I love u all and have a nice day💜

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