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Felix woke up with the feeling of regret. He really regretted using Jisung's advice yesterday when he met Minho. The event still repeating in his mind. One thing that did went well was making the older for the first time shocked and nervous. Felix liked that he also could have the same affect on Minho that the other has on him too.

Felix dressed himself and went out of his room to the kitchen. He really hoped that it wouldn't get awkward when he met Minho again after yesterday. He walked into the kitchen and saw no one. Felix felt relieved that he wasn't there, not until he saw the bathroom door open. Out came a shirtless Minho with messy hair and a towel wrapped around his lower body. Felix froze and just saw the godlike body of Minho's. Felix don't think he have been more attracted to Minho before in that moment when he saw this.

Minho noticed Felix just looking at him. Or looking at his abs to be exact. Smirking he came closer to the younger who was still frozen. Minho was really close before Felix started to backup from Minho, but that didn't stop the older from getting closer. Felix felt his back hit the wall as he couldn't move more backwards. Felix was now really nervous and started to sweat and felt his heart skip a beat when he saw Minho was right in front of him only inches away from his face.

"You teased me, yesterday didn't you?" Minho asked teasingly the younger who didn't reply just still was shocked and clearly nervous.

"You know. Teasing me deserves a punishment," Minho continued and again no response from the younger.

"But what should the punishment be?" Minho asked the younger before getting even closer so that the younger could feel the older's breath on his own lips.

"Hmmm I think I know," Minho said before he proceeded to get so close to Felix lips but stopped and instead went lover on the younger. Felix was really confused and still in shock when he felt the older's lips on his neck. The older started to kiss the younger's neck. The smaller couldn't handle himself and let out small moans and groans making the older more eager.

The older finished it off with biting down and placing a big hickey on the left side of his neck. Slowly parting with the younger's neck, he saw the younger with eyes closed and panting a little. The older just smirked and left the younger there going back to the bathroom.

Felix was more than shocked. Of course, it felt great but now he had a big hickey and of course he had forgotten to bring all his make up with him so now he had to explain to people why he had a hickey on his neck. This made Felix nervous and he felt like he his world could crash down right now, but instead he just chose to go back to his room and pretend to be sick for the day. He knew he had to tell Jisung what happened but how?

I hope you all had/have a great day

I <3 u all

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