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Felix was walking towards his dorm after he had eaten with his new friends and of course Jisung. After a short walk he arrived at his dorm and walked inside. Nothing looked different only that Minho was not sitting on the couch in front of the tv. He looked up at Felix and smirked. Felix of course broke the eye contact quickly started to walk towards the bathroom. He didn't get long before he felt a hand on his waist.

"So.... Felix?" Minho started. Felix was a bit disappointed that he almost forgot his name but just nodded.

"I should probably say that my friends are coming over here in about 5 minutes," Minho said while looking at his phone to see the time. Felix panicked a bit and quickly got in the bathroom to do his stuff and then into his room. The last thing he wanted was Minho's friends to see him. If Minho was a playboy surely his friends would be something similar. Not that Minho isn't nice. He is just not the person Felix usually would hang out with.

Felix could hear the boys all evening. He was getting hungry, but he was a bit scared to leave his room. He finally got the courage and got to his door when he stopped. He heard them talking about him.

"Soooo Minho. Is your roommate cute?" A voice asked and Felix could imagine that he was smirking.

"Hmmmm yeah he is. Who knows? He might become my next offer. I could use a sex buddy right now," Was what Felix heard Minho said. Felix was disappointed, scared and happy at the same time. He said he was cute but at the same time only to become his next offer. Felix didn't want to become his next offer, but he couldn't deny that Minho was hot as fuck.

Felix decided to go back to his bed and sleep. Suddenly he lost his appetite.

Hey everyone, I hope you have a nice day. I got my Christmas break today so more chapters will definitely come soon.

I love you all <3

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