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Felix woke up next to a big warm figure hugging him from behind. For a second he just laid there enjoying the warmth before he realized it was Minho and quickly threw himself away from the older who just groaned a bit but didn't wake up.

Felix looked around the room before walking to the door quietly not to wake up the sleeping older. He got downstairs and saw the now cleaned house and could hear some movements in the kitchen, so that was where he went afterward.

"Hey" Felix greeted the boys sitting at the dinner table eating breakfast. The boys looked up and Felix could see it was only 3 of them there. Chan, Woojin and Changbin.

"You finally woke up. How was it?" Chan asked followed by a wink to the younger, who went over to the table. At first, Felix didn't understand what he meant before he saw the boys' smirk and finally understood and make him get a bit embarrassed and angry.

"We didn't do anything!" Felix defended himself pointing at the chuckling Chan.

"Suuurreee" Chan said dragging out the word making Felix sit down and sighing.

They sat there eating breakfast and talked while more and more boys came down from upstairs. Apparently, they had all slept at Chan's house which surprised Felix because he thought they wouldn't have enough rooms for them all which meant some would have slept together. This, of course, made Felix curious and therefore he had to ask.

"Soooo who slept together this night?" He curiously asked the boys who didn't care much about the question.

"Me, Chan and Jeongin slept together. Hyunjin and Seungmin and then we have Changbin and Jisung together too." Woojin calmly answered to a bit shocked Felix. He was first surprised that the 3, Woojin, Chan and Jeongin, slept together but then also got a bit surprised that Changbin and Jisung slept together, but he decided to just ignore it for now but would probably ask later again what happened.

They were all done with eating breakfast when they saw a sleepy Minho coming down the stairs. He quickly looked around to see all the other boys' gaze at him which surprisingly didn't make him panic or anything only more confident. He saw also Felix gaze and got eye contact before the younger broke it which Minho wasn't a fan of. He went behind Felix chair and slowly crept his arms down on the younger's chest and could feel the younger tension up before he moved his face all the way down to the youngers neck leaving a big kiss on it. This was a surprise for all the boys including the victim it happened to.

Felix just sat in shock and didn't dare look up at the older who went over to the last seat available. All eyes were now on Felix as he sat down and Felix could feel their gazes his way but was way too embarrassed to meet them.

For now, the boys decided to let it go but of course, they would tease the younger later when he wasn't this embarrassed.

Hey everyone

I decided to start a Youtube channel so I would love if you would check it out ! : D

I will leave it in a comment here ---->

Have a nice day

I love you all <3

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