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A couple of days after the incident Felix still had a visible hickey. At the same time, he has tried to avoid Minho as much as possible. He really didn't know what to say to him after what he did. Does he like me? Is he only doing it because he wants me to be his sex buddy? Were some of many of Felix's thoughts.

Jisung saw Felix sitting at their spot in the cafeteria with the other boys as well and went over to them and sat down. None of the boys had noticed Felix's hickey, and Felix was really grateful for that.

"Hey, Felix.... WHAT IS THAT!" Jisung almost screamed out and pointed at Felix's neck. Felix froze in his place and tried to cover up his hickey.

"LET ME SEE FELIX!" Jisung said and tried to get Felix's hand away. After a little fight, he finally got his hand away and saw it.

"Oh......my.....god" Was his first reaction. Both Jeongin and Seungmin let out a little gasp at the sight, but surprisingly Woojin wasn't shocked at all. Felix just sat there embarrassed with his hickey on his neck.

"Who did this to you?!" Jisung asked almost sounding angry at that point. Felix just looked up at him and he could see Felix almost breaking down crying, but he didn't.

"I took your advice and see what happened," Felix said to Jisung with a very disappointed tone. Jisung thought for a second before he realized who and what he was talking about. It was Minho, of course, he thought to himself.

"It was Minho wasn't it?" Jisung asked feeling a little guilty that Felix was a bit mad about it. If it was him, he would love to know that my crush liked me enough to give me a hickey.

Jisung looked behind Felix and saw Minho and his friends walking their way. Jisung got really nervous and Felix noticed his sudden change in expression. Felix saw that he looked behind him, so he turned himself to be looking at Minho and his friends.

"We are having a party on Saturday and we would hope you all would come." Chan the oldest of Minho's friends asked. Felix could feel Minho smirking at him but chose to look in a different direction. The boys at the table were silent for a second before Woojin broke it.

"Yeah, we will go," Woojin answered making the other clearly happy by his response.

Hey everyone, I hope you had a great new year

I love u all <3

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