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It's the day of the party. Usually Felix didn't go to parties because he hates being in big crowds, but he still said yes to go because all of his friends were.

Felix stood in front of his closet to big his outfit. He chose to put on his white jeans and baby blue hoodie. Felix loved the baby blue Color so it was an easy choice for him.

Felix was going to go to the party with Jisung and walk to the house. It was apparently close so they chose to walk.

It didn't take long after Felix was ready he heard the knock on the door and opened to see a excited Jisung.

They walked down the path until they reach a house where you already could hear the loud music inside. It was a really big house and definitely not cheap at all. This family must have a lot of money, Felix thought. Yes Chan's family did have a lot of money, therefore they had this big house.

Inside the house the party was already begun and the big crowd of people were dancing and having a lot of fun. Jisung took Felix by the hand and let him to their friends who sat down in a couch in the living room where the music was a bit lower.
"Hey Felix and Jisung you're here," a happy Jeongin said.

The party went on and Felix was a bit bored. He didn't drink so he was just sitting in the couch while some of his friends were already gone either getting drinks or dancing.

After a couple of hours all of Minho's friends and Felix's own was over there at the couch. Almost all was atleast a bit tipsy except Jeongin and Felix who didn't drink.
"My head hurts a bit can we go somewhere else?" Seungmin asked Hyunjin one of Minho's friends. Hyunjin looked at Chan who also heard the conversation and lead them to a room upstairs where the music was very low. All of the friends went there too because they had nothing to do really.

They just sat there in a circle not really knowing what to do, not before Minho said something.
"Soooo do you guys want to play truth or dare?" Minho asked the boys who almost all was excited and said yes except Felix who could see Minho smirking at him. He could feel this wouldn't end well for him....

Hey everyone
This is my less popular ff out of my 2 and I don't really know which to focus on so if you really want this one remember to like it

I love u all and have a nice day💜

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