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Felix woke up to his phone alarm and got up from his bed to start the first day. They all had to meet up in the cafeteria and get their schedules. Felix was excited for the first day and put on a nice outfit for the day. He got out of his room and out in the kitchen to eat something before he had to go. He didn't see Minho there and guessed he still slept. Felix wondered why he wasn't up. Shouldn't he also go to get his schedule? He thought to himself when he ate.

Felix got out of the door and on his way to the cafeteria he met with Jisung.

"Hey Felix," Jisung greeted him and Felix just smiled and walked along with him. They walked silently since they both were a little tired still. They got to the cafeteria and sat down at a table where Jisung had told them since his roommate Seungmin already were there. When they sat down, they looked at the boys in front of them.

"Hi, I'm Jeongin," The clearly younger said and waved at the boys sitting in front of him. Felix and Jisung both waved back, and not long after they knew all the boys' names. They were sitting with Seungmin Jisung's roommate, Jeongin and Woojin. They could see that Woojin was a bit older, but they shrugged it off. They soon became friends with the boys. Having conversations with them was surprisingly easy, and to Felix's surprise Jisung did well talking with them. Felix was happy they were able to make friends already. It would make college a lot more fun and easier.

"So, Felix who are your roommate?" Woojin asked the boy sitting in front of him.

"He is called Minho. I don't know a lot about him though other than that," Felix said and in return got a bunch of boys shocked to hear that. He didn't know why they were shocked to hear that Minho was his roommate. Is he popular? He thought to himself but soon got his answer.

"Felix... I don't know how to say this to you but please be careful with him. He is a huge playboy. He is kinda famous here because of that," Jeongin said with a concerned look towards Felix. Felix wasn't really shocked. It didn't surprise him a person like that would be a playboy, but he didn't see why he had to be careful.

"Okay" Felix simply answered, and the conversations went on. Felix didn't really care that he was a playboy just that it didn't affect him then it was fine.

I hope you guys will like this book and the story. I will hopefully have a lot of time to write more chapters here in Christmas time 😊

I love u all and have nice day <3

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