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I finished the washing up on behalf of Myles and walked it back to camp. 

"Got a minute?" I signalled for Adele to follow me, we made our way to the camp gas, and sat on the rock,

"What's up?" She asked, I couldn't help but burst into tears when she said this. "No no no no no!" She panicked and pulled me into a hug, "Shhhh" She consoled me as I cried into her body,

I sat up and dried my eyes, "Its Myles," I whispered, not looking up from the ground.

"Is it about earlier?" She asked, I just nodded and she shuffled closer and rubbed my back as I put my head in my hands and sobbed.

"I asked if he was alright when we were doing the dishes, and he literally was just being so blunt. Barely saying anything." I sighed, "But then we did the dishes in silence, and all I did was ask if he was gonna speak to me, and he just walked off without saying a word." I looked up to meet Adeles eyes, she looked just as confused as me. 

"Where did he go?" She asked, 

"I literally don't know, did you not see him at all after we left?" I asked, she shook her head. "What have I done?" I sobbed into my hands again,

"I don't think you've done anything, I think its something going on with him," Adele whispered, "Dry your eyes and we'll head back if you feel comfortable to, we can play detectives and work it out," She winked. I dried my eyes and laughed,

"You take the lead," I offered, 

"Sherlock and Dr Watson!" She spoke as we walked back to camp, miming a magnifying glass.

When we got back to main camp, it was fairly empty, many people going to bed, a few sat around the fire, but no sign of Myles. 

"Are you okay, Belle?" I heard, it was a males voice, but not the voice I desired. None the less, I turned to face him and greeted him with a smile. 

"I'm fine Roman," I sighed, 

"Are you sure?" He whispered and pulled me to the side slightly, I nodded knowing that the knot in my throat would prevent me from portraying a believable strong visage. I pursed my lips and sighed. Roman pulled me into a hug, I stayed in his grasp for a second or two, before releasing a breath and turning to Adele, 

"I'm just gonna go to bed," 

She frowned, but nodded, "Lets go brush our teeth," 

I smiled towards Roman, thanking him for the hug I guess, and Adele and I made our way to the sink to brush our teeth. 

"We'll have a better day tomorrow," She ensured me and winked.

"I'll try to get a good nights sleep, but no promises." I laughed,

"Yeah, don't let it play in your mind too much. I don't think its as bad as you think it is." 

I gave her a hug goodnight, a longer hug than what I gave Roman and climbed into my bed, I couldn't help but look to where Myles bed lay, still no sign of him. 

"If you need me at any point, come and wake me up, trust me I'm such a light sleeper" 

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now