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Ant and Dec made their way into camp. Andy sat on the throne, I sat on the left of him, with kate to my left. Roman sat to the right of Andy. The duo wasted no time with small talk and quickly got to the good stuff,

"The public have been voting for the celebrities they want to see in the final, in no particular order, the public have decided, 

Roman, It might be you." Ant said,

"Kate," Dec said "It might be you."

"Andy," Ant said,

"It might be me?" He joked along, catching on to their plan.

"It might be you!"

"Belle, Guess what!" Dec asked,

"It might be me?" 

He nodded, "It might be you!"

"The next person to leave, I'm a celebrity 2019 is.." They paused for far too long, "Kate." 

"Fair enough," She smiled, We got up to say our goodbyes. I hugged her so tightly, and said, "Thank you so much for being my jungle mummy!" she kissed my forehead and wished me the best. 

Beastly Belle is in the final. Fucking hell. 

"Before we let you go, theres three people left in camp, Andy, Belle and Roman. Who would you like to see take the crown?" 

"I dont know, I mean I think they've all been extraordinary, I think Andy is absolutely hilarious, Roman, what an absolute legend! How good is he at your impressions!"

"Terrible!" The duo shot back, laughing at the end. 

"But Belle, you know shes found it very hard and shes come through, so maybe I should go for a bit of sisterhood," Kate decides.

It was time for my final bushtucker trial. It was bittersweet really. 

"Hi!" Dec welcomed me,

"Hi," I smiled back,

"Welcome to the bush tucker trial clearing Belle, for the last ever time," 

"Thank goodness for that," I smiled

"Congratulations on making it to the final, how does it feel?" 

"Overwhelming, Did not expect to get this far, but here I am!"

"Today, You, Roman and Andy have to take on a classic bushtucker trial," Ant spoke, I nodded along. Dec took over to tell me what I was getting myself into.

"This is StakeOut. As you can see theres a giant star here on the jungle floor, your arms and legs will be tied down and all you have to do is stay in that star, for ten minutes." 

"Throughout your time, Jungle critters will be poured ontop of you and into the star, and you have to endure them."

"Knew there'd be a catch," I laughed 


"For every two minutes you endure the trial you will win another star, that means there are five stars up for grabs." 

"The first three are for starters for you and your campmates for your last supper tonight. The fourth one is for your drink and the fifth for a special treat going into camp tonight." 

"What are you thinking?" Ant asked me

"I have no words, I'll do it, of course." 

"Okay Belle, you're tied down inside the star. Are you ready?" Dec asked,

"Erm, yep!" 

The rangers then came into camp, carrying buckets. We started on the left arm. They began by pouring slime, fish guts and mealworms. The fish guts were particularly pungent today. The time began once the final bucket of mealworms were poured ontop. 

Come on Belle, you've got this. 

"What you thinking there Belle, just to pass the time?"

"Erm, just food, what im gonna have," 

"Have you already decided?" 

"Well, no, but i've grown quite fond of crocodiles foot." I laughed. It was hard to think of food when you've got the repulsive smell of fish guts on your left arm.

Two minutes had passed and the rangers were back, 

"First up, 10,000 crickets, 15 scorpions and 6 giant burrowing cockroaches. Your time starts now."  

I squirmed. They squirmed. It was all horrible. "Talk to me" I squirmed, "Say something," I pleaded, hoping Ant and Dec would distract me. 

"How are you?" Dec awkwardly replied. 

"Not good, why would you ask that," I laughed. 

Two minutes had passed and Ant and Dec were counting down from 5. The rangers came back in, left leg this time.

"Oh no," The duo said in unison. 

"What?" I asked, worried.

"Some green ants," they revealed. I screamed, an ear-piercing scream. They wasted no time getting to work biting,

"They're going up my lady bits!" I complained, 

"Just go to your happy place," Dec soothed, 

"Glastonbury!" I announced, my mind filling with thoughts of the music festival. The countdown quickly begun again, securing my 3rd star, securing the meal for camp. Now im playing for drink and a treat. 

"Right leg now, we have cockroaches. 16,000 cockroaches" Ant announced,

"If I never see an insect again, it'll be too soon!" I complain, letting out a scream when I feel one going up my bum.

Final star now, for a treat. Two more minutes, the rangers come back this time holding jars full of 51 huntsman spiders. Fuck. They poured them directly ontop of my head, then they told me after a minute they'd place the final one in my mouth. To secure the final star I'd have to hold it in there for 1 minute. 

The minute passed and the ranger put the spider in my mouth,

"Stay still Belle, its just endurance, thats all it is," Ant encouraged. 

The minute passed slowly, none the less, it ended and the rangers lifted me out of the star. 

"Belle!" They empathised, "Look at that!" Dec said pointing to where I was previously laying, 

"No way in hell!" I said, facing the other way entirely. 

"You faced your fears, well done!" 

"The first bushtucker trial on your own, and the last bushtucker trial you ever have to face." 

"YEssss!" I rejoiced. 

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now