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We all carefully stepped down the steep hill into camp. Once arriving at the opening we were met with claps and cheers with them all. Taking in my surroundings, I realised this is where I'm likely going to be spending the next three weeks. We continued walking towards the group, smiles plastered on our faces when suddenly my eyes locked onto his. He hadn't spotted me yet as he was still standing from his bed, so I quickly averted my gaze to Nadine. 

Nadine pulled me into the biggest hug ever, then so did Roman, eventually Adele and then I was reunited with Kate. I looked around for the final body. Then I spotted him looking in my direction, as our eyes met his grin grew bigger and he walked towards me with his arms out ready to engulf me. 

I'd love to be able to say he smelt amazing, like citrus, or sandalwood, or even musky. But he didn't, but none of us did to be fair. 

"Hiya Hunny." He spoke, his soothing voice meeting my ears as his hands and arms wrapped around my waist.

"Heya boo," I replied

We then dispersed back into a group, we took this moment to explain the task and break the news we weren't arriving empty-handed, and that 7 stars were on our way.

Roman and Kate took the newbies round on a tour, I've watched the show for years, but I never expected the camp to be quite this big.

This place is stunning, I'm just happy to be in the main camp. I'm excited now I feel like the journey begins. 

(A/n) I havent made it quite clear in previous chapters - but italics are used when belle is speaking to the camera thing in the jungle hut. :)

We were all around the campfire now, I was sat next to Adele. 

"Look at the size of that dragon there." Roman pointed out.

It didnt take long for Mr Myles the Musician to start spitting some bars. 

He looked towards me, "Kate G knows how to scratch," He said whilst pointing towards my jungle mum.

"Go on mummzy," I acknowledged

"Boots and Cats and Boots and Cats."

"Shes got it!" Ian piped in

"Can you do the baby cry?" I questioned,

"Whats that?" She asked, I then broke into a baby cry. Everyone looked on in astonishment. 

"Thats weird," Myles claimed. "That's weird." He laughed.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it's Andrew Maxwell," Ian announced "The legend of the digeridoo." 

Andrew then broke into a digeridoo style noise, ranging from low to high. His face complimented his pitch, lowering it for the low notes and raising it for the higher ones. His gaze remaining fixed on something in front of him. 

I couldn't help but laugh, and neither could Myles who now was sat next to me. I placed my hand on his knee to balance myself from my guffaws. 

"What are you doing with your hips?" Myles asks in hysterics, Absent-mindedly shuffling closer to me.

"Anyone else got any hidden talents?" I asked, taking my hand off Myles's knee. Kate prodded Roman to impersonate Ant and Dec. Describing it as incredible.

"Okay and don't forget urr..." He began. Again I laughed and leant back. Only to discover Myles had placed his left hand to the left-hand side of me, leaving me to lean back into his outstretched arm. 

"Urrrghhh why does it look like that," I spoke looking towards our uncooked dinner, a possum. 

"You just be happy the furs not still on it," Ian spoke and I frowned. 

Myles got cooking, whilst I reclined in the hammocks, going over the thoughts in my head.

Am I doing the right thing?

I miss my besties.

Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and thoughts.

I miss my mum and my dad, my nan and my dog.

I hope the John Lewis advert is good,

Oh my god, what if one direction got back together? and im not there to witness it.

"Hello, earth to bells." I heard. I snapped out of my trance to be met with beautiful green piercing orbs. He laughed, "Your foods ready," 

I rubbed my eyes, waking up from my daydream. 

Myles led me towards the fire, and handed me a plated up bowl of possum. I took the plate gratefully and sat down, Kate rubbed my arm, 

"Thank you for winning it." She smiled

"Awh no, we all did it." I added, 

"Bells, your bravery is the reason why we're eating this, we're eating your bravery." Andrew smiled

"And your bravery taste good." Ian added,

"Well, we can thank Myles for that." I insisted, he flushed pink. 

selcouth; MYLES STEPHENSON IM A CELEB 2019Where stories live. Discover now