01. The Boy

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The Human

It was a Sunday when you moved into that apartment.

You had wondered why it was so cheap when you bought it, and why the seller gave you a different reason each time you asked why no one ever stayed in it for more than a year.

But you ignored it, of course.

Because it had a very agreeable price.

And although it wasn't the biggest, it fit your needs.

You had visited it many times before you arrived, and everything seemed fine.

You liked that it was two stories: the first floor containing a kitchen and living space with a bathroom, while the second floor would be your bedroom.

It was more like a loft; the second floor, as it was so small. It had nothing but a bathroom and even a walk-in closet, to your delightful surprise.

With everything unpacked and in place, you were finally settled and content with where you were.

That feeling lasted for a full month of going to college and working part-time at a nearby clothing store that paid just enough for rent and food.

That was until that fifth week you had been living there.

It was a Sunday.

Like every other Sunday night, you arrived home from work late.

Just like every other night, you made a late dinner.

The simple task of cutting a red bell pepper was more of a task when you accidentally cut your finger on the downstroke.

The small cut was more a nuisance than anything, though it did sting.

After wrapping a napkin around the now-bleeding appendage, you made your way upstairs to find a bandage in the bathroom.

When you didn't find one, you moved over to the closet where you threw a lot of the unnecessary boxes you didn't unpack when you moved in.

And so, the rather large-sized closet is where you stood that Sunday night.

Maybe you were just too tired.

Maybe it was because the lighting was poor in the room full of your clothes.

Or perhaps it had been there the whole time and you just now saw it.

But when you slid a section of the hung-up clothes across the elevated bar on the left side of the closet, parting the bunched up clothes in search of a box, you were met with the wall on the other side,

And the boy in your closet.


Happy New Year!

I hope we all have a wonderful start in 2020. Let's all begin fresh and bright. I love you all very much, and I would like to know some of your New Year's resolutions!

I wish that you would enjoy this new novel for 2020 :)

Please rest well and have an amazing day.

- Ichiranramen <3

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