11. Help Me

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[WARNING! Possibly triggering content and mature topics ahead. Violence and self-harm are present in this chapter.]

The Ghost

Taehyung sat lonely in the closet, waiting for when she would come upstairs.

He could hear the faint sound of music coming from downstairs and saw her the few times that she came upstairs to grab something she needed.

He thought she must be working on homework since she took her laptop down, along with her bag. He hoped that she would do homework up in her bedroom as usual.

By now the sun had set, and he wondered if she was ever going to come back up. He wanted to watch what she was doing on her computer or listen to the music he could hardly hear from his spot in the closet.

Finally, he heard the music cease to play, followed by a few footsteps.

He smiled and stood at the base of the door, waiting to see her come up the stairs.

She walked into the bedroom with the same baggy sweatshirt on and moved beside her bed to lean down and pick up a charger.

Then she freezes. He's not sure why, and only watches intently as she cautiously moves to the ledge of the bedroom that overlooks the first floor.

She stays frozen there for several seconds.

The ghost stays hidden in the closet, confused at what she's looking at.

Then he watches as she takes a quick step back, and turns to look at the window.

He thinks there are tears in her eyes.

She turns to look at the bathroom, and then at him; at the closet.

"What's wrong?" He wants to ask.

She's already walking toward him, and he watches as she steps on her toes.

She closes the door of the closet behind her gently as to make no noise, and locks it.

A hand covers her mouth as she breathes frantically. He's never seen her like this. The look in her teary eyes is what he'd imagine being the most intense feeling of fear that could overcome a person.

He watches intently as she looks around the room.

She ceases her movements for a few, short moments, before staring down at her arm...

And she bites.

A chocked sob stops her from leaving a puncture at all, and she pulls back with a panic-stricken intake of air.

"What- what are you doing?" He uselessly puts his bodiless hand on her arm.

Then she's moving.

The corner of the small closet is where she then sits.

He watches her, sees that look in her eye. She's terrified.

"Help me," she utters before taking one more gasp of air as her hands go around her neck.

He's now leaned down beside her.

"Don't- don't do that!" He wants to yell at her, wants to stop her from doing any more. But his futile hands have no effect.

As he tries to understand why she is doing that, he hears something from outside the door.

It's not that loud at first, and he almost doesn't hear it. The loud footsteps come closer and closer.

Then there's no doubt that someone is standing right outside the door.

It's silent for a while, then:

Tap, tap, tap.

The ghost looks up at the door, horrified when he hears the resonance of a man's voice as he chuckles almost inaudibly on the other side.

He looks back at the human. Her hands have fallen by now, and she looks in between consciousness as she leans against the wall haphazardly.

He stares down at his own hands. The fleshy, pink skin tone covers them like he hasn't seen before. They're not pale and lifeless.

The door begins to rattle, and he hears the same chuckle.

"Let me in," the knob begins to twist impatiently. "I'll have to kick this door in if you don't let me in right now."

"Wake up," the ghost cries out to the unconscious girl. "Oh, please wake up."

"I'll have to kick in now. You're not supposed to be hiding yet," the man voices.

Standing up, Taehyung searches helplessly around the room.

I have to help her.

He thinks tears would be falling from his eyes if he weren't dead.

Because he's useless.

And she's torpid and motionless

"I'm coming in," the man says.

"Five," he taunts.




Screaming out in a cry of anguish and helplessness, the ghost presses his lifeless hands against the wood of a dresser that stands in the back on the closet.

He pushes, weeping with one last outcry.

And it falls over.


I'm sorry for taking so long to update! Although.. I hope this triple update makes up for that. I promise that I will try to get another chapter out soon!

Please stay healthy and rest well!

- Ichiranramen <3

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