08. Trials

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The Human

Something about it interested you like nothing before.

You often found yourself staring at the closet whenever you entered your bedroom. 

Fear wasn't what captured your eyes; it was something else entirely.

That feeling was so strong that you found yourself standing in your bathroom the next weekend in the same position as last; a safety pin in your hand.

You told yourself that if you don't see him this time, you'll stop trying and thinking about it altogether. You nod your head in determination, before spiking yourself with the metal tool.

It doesn't hurt as much this time, but the stinging still persists through the small puncture.

Like the previous time, you clean off the first bead of blood with a tissue.

Then you're walking to your open closet.

You don't let yourself hesitate before stepping inside.

This time you see him right away.

In the back of your closet, the frail body of a boy sits with his knees up against his chest.

The single action of sliding a shirt across the hanger bar that stretches across your closet wall makes his head jolt up to the abrading noise.

You watch him; see as his eyes move to look at your own.

Before you have time to linger on his dark eyes for a moment longer, you leave the room with two new confirmations:

He can see you.

He can hear you.


"Again? Y/N, you always used to stay at my house on the weekends," your best friend sulks on the couch in his apartment while looking up at you.

You frown sympathetically, raising your brows. "I'll promise stay over next time, okay Joonie? I have a lot of assignments I'm behind on and I need tonight."

"Okay, fine. You promised me," he declares before waving you off.

It doesn't take long for you to make it back to your apartment complex, and then your room, and finally your bathroom.

One more time.

You find yourself standing in the tiled room for the second time that week; holding a safety pin for the third time.

The Boy in My Closet | k.thWhere stories live. Discover now