06. Blood and Air

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The Human

You wake up on your bed, though not completely on it.

Your body lays sideways on the mattress, your feet hanging off of the edge as though you passed out as soon as you made it there; whenever that might've been.

A scratch in your throat reminds you of the contents you drank last night, and you slowly try to recall the events thereafter you had gone out.

Namjoon, who you had been with, took you home and put you to bed.

There was more...

You try to remember the memory lost behind your eyes, and a sharp sting from your finger drives your thoughts.

Lifting up the small appendage, you see the barely indented mark you indeed inflicted upon yourself the night prior.

You were in the bathroom when it happened, and you remember picking up the small safety pin when you dumbly spiked yourself with it.

Then you were in your closet to get changed when you saw...

You stop your mind from reeling, and your hand makes it to your head as you let out a sigh.

Why do you keep imagining him?

That boy who died in your closet.

First, it was that night, and now this.

By now you're sitting up in your bed, and you turn your head to the space that holds your clothes and nothing more.

Nothing more.


As much as you would've liked to drop it, your mind wouldn't allow it just yet.

You recall your mother taking you to a clairvoyant when you were young, it being a common tradition to have someone read your future and get advice on what to do.

You go, though not expecting much from the visit.

It felt more like a chore as you got older, so you had stopped going.

You were simply hoping she would clear the draining thoughts that seemed to consume you in that apartment. Maybe she could give you something to calm your senses like an herbal tea or essence.

You weren't scared anymore... just rather weary and distraught.

When you entered her home at the scheduled time you had set, you were met with a hug.

"It's been a while, Y/N," the aging woman chuckled. "Why haven't you come by?"

You hug her back. "I'm sorry. I've been busy with school," you explain.

She lingers with her arms around you for a moment longer. "And something's wrong now, right?"

"How did you—"

She pulls away before smiling tenderly. "I can sense that you're distraught."

You nod your head silently before she leads you back to her office. You begin by filling her in on changes that have changed since you last saw her; the most notable being your new living space.

"I-I know this is sudden," you continue. "But ever since I moved into that apartment, I've been bothered."

"Yes," she nods her head as if already knowing.

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