17. A Body

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The Ghost

It was a Friday when Y/N came home after school and told him she'd be away for the evening; that she was going to dinner with a friend.

Though it's been a month, the only other friend of Y/N's Taehyung has been able to see is the tall one from before. Namjoon, he remembers his name. Every time Y/N hangs out with someone, they always end up going out, or she visits their house. He wonders if she is going to see that friend today.

He hasn't thought much more of the lack of people that come into the apartment, but was surprised later that night when he heard the front door open and close. Instead of Y/N's "I'm home," he hears her voice along with the deep tone of a male.

He can't hear much, but it's enough to know that he's staying. Taehyung wonders if maybe she will bring him up here.

So for the remainder of the night, the ghost sits at the base of the closet, trying to distinguish their conversation. At some point, he momentarily gives up on the task altogether.

That is until he hears the sound of something shattering, shortly followed by a yelp coming from Y/N. He nervously stands at the edge of the opened door frame, listening for anything that could clue him into what happened.

He hears more talking, and then the sound of someone coming up the staircase.

It's a boy. He quickly steps up the stairs, wearing jeans and a white, long-sleeve shirt. Taehyung has no idea who the unfamiliar male even is.

But then he sees it... the deep red stain on his hand and sleeve that undoubtedly resembles blood. Except, it's not the boy's blood.

Y/N... what happened to you?!

As the man comes closer, it's clear he's headed for the closet. Still standing at the frame of the door, Taehyung grips his hands into fists. Who is this person? And what has he done to Y/N?

And just as the boy steps into the small space separating him from the ghost, Taehyung shouts.


Within the moment he was yelling and the next, he couldn't recall anything. Becuase when it happened, it happened suddenly. 

His eyesight dudn't blur, nor was there any time for a moment of realization. He simply saw something one second, then nothing the next. Though what he felt was far greater than what he could see.

Because instead of his consciousness floating through an empty space like it always was in that small room... all of the sudden, that thick emptiness was filled with a fullness of something he had forgotten he could feel.

A body.

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