15. Kim Taehyung

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The Ghost

"Kim Taehyung," the ghost mutters as he stares at the pictures on the door of the closet.

She had left them here.

It's now been 5 days since he began talking to the human. He now knows her as Y/F/N.

Although he's still confused, she explained to him her theory that she could see him if she begins to bleed; and how she attempted her theory of suffocation that day. She's still confused as to how he was able to physically move something, and a heavy dresser at that.

He's never been more confused, but he was scared to ask questions. She talked and he listened.

At first, he didn't know how to talk to her. He was so nervous, he could barely look her in the eye.

But now she says hi every morning... and she also greets him when she gets home.

And now he replies with "hello" or "goodbye".

Before she left today, she put up pictures on the door of the closet that she'd printed at her school the day before.

The first was a picture of Kim Taehyung.

The second, third, and fourth were pictures of the apartment and building.

And the last was of his school.

"Maybe something will look familiar," she had said.

No matter how long he stared at the pictures, however, he couldn't remember a single thing.

He found himself studying the picture of the boy. He wonders if that's still what he looks like to the human.

She hasn't said anything about his current appearance, other than her questions regarding his missing toes. That's when he explained to her why he can't leave the closet.

As he's staring at the picture, he hears the soft sound of the front door as it opens and closes.

The usual, "I'm home," he hears when she arrives back doesn't come.

It's faint, but he can clearly hear the quiet sounds of someone walking around coming from the floor below.

He listens for moments more before he sees her coming up the stairs. With a sigh of relief, he sees as she scampers quickley to the closet.

Picking up the pin she now leaves in the small space, she pricks herself.

"H-Hello," the ghost manages to let out. He has trouble meeting her eyes; it's the first time he greeted her first.

"Hey, I have someone from school over today." She says quietly after shutting the door behind her. "He won't be here for long, and I'll be back up soon."

The boy nods his head. "I-Is it the man who brought you home that one time?" He asks curiously, remembering the boy she had come back with.

The girl pauses for a moment befor realizing who he's talking about. "Oh, Namjoon? No, this is another friend. He lives on the second floor."

"Okay, um," he pauses, "s-see you later." He nervously looks to the side, not used to interacting in such a way... but he wants to get closer with her. As much as these conversations scare him, they excite him.

He finally has something real to look forward to; more than what he used to find exciting... just watching someone pass in and out like he had been doing for so long.

"See you," she replies with a soft smile before leaving the closet.


I'm so sorry for these filler chapters, but I promise that things will pick up from here! Expect an update soon and thank you for those of you that stuck with me <3

Please rest well and stay healthy!

- Ichiranramen

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