09. Jeon Jungkook

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The Human

You didn't know why... but you couldn't bring yourself to say a word to the boy, or even let him know you could see him.

You didn't know if it was fear holding you back, or something else.

But as odd as it was, you found yourself pricking your finger almost every day.

You wouldn't say a word, though. You'd simply prick yourself and look at him as you grabbed something from the small room.

You didn't want to admit it, but you found yourself wanting to just make sure he was still there, as though you were checking up on him.

The truth was, you still felt completely powerless. You feared that if he knew you were there and could see him, something would change. You couldn't help him; couldn't do anything for him.

It was a Friday night, and you had yet to see him today. 

You almost get up to go to your bathroom before your phone dings, signaling someone had sent you a text message.

Hi Noona, it's Jungkook from the bar with Namjoon and Hoseok Hyung. I was wondering if you're free this weekend?

You stare down at the text curiously, remembering the night he was talking about. It must've been just over two months ago when Namjoon introduced you.

"This is Jungkook, the friend I was telling you about from the department over." Namjoon sits beside a younger male with brown hair at the bar you enter that night.

You sit on the opposite side of the table with your other friend, Hoseok. "It's nice to finally meet you," you say to the boy.

He smiles back shyly and nods his head. "You too."

Namjoon laughs, rubbing the brown-haired boy's head. "Look at him get all nervous. Y/N, our Kookie is the one who wanted to meet you tonight!"

"Hyung," Jungkook turns bright red upon the comment.

You look nervously to Hoseok, an embarrassed blush covering your own cheeks.

You remember feeling awkward at the beginning, but then it felt natural as the night progressed. He seemed sweet and shy, and you still hear Namjoon bring him up in conversations every once in a while.

Yes, I'm free tomorrow night! You respond without thinking much more about it.


"Hi, Noona!" An enthusiastic yet shy Jungkook greets you in front of a local restaurant. "How are you?"

"I'm good!" You respond with a smile, adjusting the purse on your shoulder. You eye his attire that is casual while still being formal enough to classify this meeting as a date. "And you?"

He smiles and shows his two front teeth cutely. "I'm good, too! Do you want to sit?"

You nod before following him into the restaurant.

Through the dinner, you learn that Jungkook is a film major, and he's only a grade below you. You talk about your own classes, mentioning your job at the department store.

You also learn that Jungkook is your neighbor when he offers to walk you home, to which you find yourselves standing in front of the same apartment complex.

You laugh when he tells you he lives here as well. "How long have you been here?"

"Only a few weeks, actually." He says as you walk further in.

"Wow, me too! I'm surprised we haven't seen each other around yet," you laugh. 

You follow him onto the elevator before he begins to press the buttons. "I'm on the second floor. You?"

"The top," you reply and he hits your floor. 

"I had fun tonight," Jungkook smiles to you. "I hope we can do it again soon."

You return the smile as the elevator stops on his floor. "Me too. Goodnight!"

"Night," he waves to you after getting off.

You take a shower when you return to your apartment, not waiting much longer before going to bed.

It was the first day that you didn't see the boy in your closet. 

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