14. We Talked

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The Human

You exit the closet, not looking back until you've made your way down the stairs of your apartment.

I talked to him.

We talked.

As nervous as you were, you can't begin to imagine what he must be feeling. Your hands make your way to your forehead as you recall his shocked face. He looked confused and scared, even sad at some points.

You get a glass of water before hesitating to grab your computer. He asked you what happened, but you don't know if you'll have the courage to tell him everything.

And when you enter your closet for the second time that night, your eyes search for the boy. When you don't see him right away, you begin to move around your clothes, afraid you scared him off.

You're about to say 'hello?' when you remember your finger. You lift up your hand to find that the bleeding stopped.

You quickly take the pin that's now in your back pocket, pricking your finger for a second time.

A gasp leaves your mouth, and you step back.

When you pierced the area of your finger, he appeared like always, but this time he was right in front of you.

Similar to earlier, his eyes look as though tears should be falling from them. The helpless, saddened look on his face only remains a moment longer before your eyes meet.

"C-Can you see me?" He asks frantically.

You nod your head instantly. "Yes. What's wrong?"

He slumps to the floor, kneeling in front of you with his head down. "I-I thought you couldn't see me... because when you came in, you didn't respond and I was right in front of you..."

"I-I'm sorry!" You let out, getting down on your knees as well. "I-I stopped bleeding... so I couldn't see you anymore! It's okay now, I can see you."

He finally looks up, meeting your eyes shortly before looking to the side.

"So... you can always see me, then?" You ask.

With a nod of his head, you watch as he shifts his legs. "I can see everyone who comes in the house."

"Can you leave the closet?" You question hesitantly. 

He simply shakes his head.

"I'm sorry."

He looks up at you again. "Why?"

"I should've talked to you sooner," you let out. "I was just... acting selfishly."

His eyes disconnect again. "Were you afraid?"

"No!" You respond with no hesitation. "I never was, I swear. I just... thought I couldn't help you, so it would be a burden."

When he doesn't respond, you keep going.

"But you saved my life," you let out. "I can't ever repay you for that."

It's silent for a moment. "How did it happen?"

"Huh?" you question.

"Y-You said it was seven years ago. How did I die?" His head still faces the floor, and you let out an exhale.

You now sit fully on the floor with your legs crossed. "It was a robbery. You were home and... he stabbed you two times," you hesitate to say the rest. "You managed to get upstairs and into the closet..."

"You can t-tell me..." he tries to sound brave. "It's alright. I want to know."

You nod your head. "And u-um, you came in here and hid behind your dresser... You couldn't move to get out, and it was too tight. You died because of  blood loss... and suffocation."

Now it's you who can't look him in the eyes.

You beg for him to both say something and to say nothing.

"Okay," he says so quietly you almost don't catch it.

You finally look up... and see him.

His hands are places in front of him on the floor, his eyes open but looking down. His lips shake as though he's trying to keep everything together, but can't quite manage it.

And you see that look in his eyes once again that night. The look of a person in pain who's been alone for too long.

Guiltily, you look at him. All this time, you didn't even consider how he might be feeling... or even think that he could be feeling something.

His reactions are the same as any person; all he lacks is a body. And he's trapped here.

"Y-You don't have to be okay right now," you hush to him. Hesitantly, you move your hand across the carpeted floor. "I'm sorry."

I don't want him to feel alone anymore.

And as pale and lifeless as his hand looks, you put your hand over the spot.

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