13. She Can See Me

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The Ghost

What's happening what's happening what's happening...

The ghost stands in the corner of the closet, hidden by some clothes. His hands cover his face as he tries to understand what just occurred. 

That girl... she can see me.

He almost gasps again at the realization. But then... he ran away. If his actions could even be classified as running away, that is. She's still a matter of feet behind him in the closet, and he wonders if she'll come closer.

He cowers down once more and thinks again that he'd be crying if he was still alive, overcome with too many emotions.

And so many questions. Why did she prick herself like that? How long has she been able to see him? What happened after that night that she passed out? Why did she come back? Is she frightened of him?

One thing that he's been questioning since the incident is... how did he push that dresser?

He's now crouched down within the clothing when suddenly the hangers slide above him, though he still faces the wall and doesn't dare look back at her. "I'm sorry if I scared you," her voice is light and gentle as she apologizes. "You don't have to be afraid. You can come out."

Her words once again confirm that she can see him, and he feels as though he's really crying.

Someone can see me. 

She can see me.

"Are you okay?" She hushes once more. "I can go if you-"

"D-Don't leave!" The ghost frantically turns around, standing up before the girl. "A-Are you okay now?"

Upon seeing him look down at her finger, the girl lifts up her hand. "Oh, this? I'm fine now."

"Why d-did you...?" He trails off nervously, looking down.

The girl puts her hand back down. "Right... That probably really confused you, huh?" She pauses before continuing. "I actually found out that if I bleed... I can see you."

The boy looks back at her with confusion. "But how-"

"I-I'm still not sure how, but I think I know why." She explains. "But first, do you remember who you are... or what happened?"

He raises his brows at the question, nervously stepping back into the corner of the closet. "I-I..." The ghost tries to remember anything but comes blank of any memories. Of course, he's tried to remember anything from the time before he'd been stuck inside the closet. The result has been the same each time. 

"It's okay if you don't remember," she assures him. "I could tell you if want to know."

He stares at the floor. "I died here, didn't I?"

"It was 7 years ago."

The ghost stays still with his head down in the back of the closet. He knew as much. "Everyone else always left... they said someone died here, and then... they didn't want to live here anymore."

"Kim Taehyung," she suddenly says.

He lifts his head. "What?"

"I, um, I'll be right back."

As she turns around to leave, the ghost almost calls out for her. But then she says... "be right back".

She'll come back, right?

He stands alone in the back of the closet as he's done many times, and waits.

He wonders where she's gone, and when she'll be ba-

She's walking up the stairs, her computer in her arms. Nervousness yet excitement courses through his body as he sees her approach the closet.

Today was the first time he could remember talking to someone.

As she enters the space, he sees as her eyes scan the room. "H-Hello," he utters timidly.

But her eyes don't meet his.

"Hello," he says once more. She begins to move the racks of clothing around.

Suddenly, that loneliness he's always felt returns. He feels so weak and powerless; wants to cry once more.

"Can't you see me?" 

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