12. Apartment 106

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The Human

What Happened on Sunday, May 16 in Apartment 106.


College student, Y/F/N, attacked inside apartment 106 after a break-in by a now reported criminal, Choi Kyoung-hwan.

After receiving many concerns from neighboring apartments regarding a loud crash, the police arrived at the scene to convict the assailant, as well as find the victim.

Y/F/N was found inside her second-floor closet, unharmed but unconscious. Enforcements had to remove the door to get inside, as a dresser made of ironwood had been pushed over to block the entrance.

The attacker showed no signs of violence toward the police but was only fixed on getting inside the blocked closet.

Once taken into custody, the assailant made mention of the previous incident inside apartment 106, when college student, Kim Taehyung, died.

He was attacked by a robber in a similar incident, which led to his death in the closet of the very same apartment. 

When asked about his motive to commit such a crime, he recalled the previous incident in apartment 106. He was convinced he had to repeat the same actions that occurred 8 years ago on May 16, which ultimately led to death of Kim Taehyung. 

The deluded criminal would not respond to any further questions, repeating that he had to get inside the closet. 

Choi Kyoung-hwan is now charged with several offenses and held at the KNPA where he will face further punishment. 

"Don't read that anymore," Namjoon shuts your computer, denying you from reading the rest of the article as you sit beside him on his couch.

"I know," you hush. "I just can't believe that still happened."

He pats your head reassuringly. "You can stay here again if you need to."

After everything went down, you've been staying at Namjoon's for the past week. Both from fear of your apartment, and from him worrying about you being alone again. Still, you deny his request. "No, I should go home now."

"Your family is right, you know?" He says. "You should consider moving. It's unfair to you to have to stay in a place where something so traumatic happened."

You shake your head. "I know... but I really think I'll be okay now."

He sighs but nods his head. "Alright. I'll drive you home, then."

And just like that, you find yourself standing in your apartment for the first time since it happened. When you make your way to the second floor, you stare at your closet. The dresser that saved your life is back against the wall, and you sigh.

Almost everything from that night is a blur, but nowhere in your mind could you remember moving the dresser.

Even if you had the strength to move the heavy ironwood, there's no way you wouldn't remember.

But then... you'd be lying if the thought hadn't crossed your mind by now. Could he have done that?

You remember putting your hands around your neck. Whether you blacked out due to lack of oxygen or simply from distress, you didn't know. But had he really appeared?

Setting the bag you had brought from Namjoon's gently on your mattress, you first go into the bathroom.

You grab something from a drawer before walking back to your closet. The area with your clothes is where you step into, and everything looks as it did before.

With another intake of air, you hold out your hand. The metal pin you had grabbed is what you use to prick one of your fingers.

This time you see him almost instantly. He's standing before you, his face looking back at you as his lips tremble and his body shakes with each quick inhale he takes.

You look right back at him, searching his eyes that make it seem as though he's... crying? There's nothing coming out of his faded orbs, but the way they're turned down make is all too clear.

"You..." is the first thing you utter. 

His eyes suddenly widen as he takes a step back, never ceasing the connection between your eyes. 

You gulp. "Can you see me?"

His eyes are scared and uncertain. He looks even smaller as he brings his hands up to his chest, taking another step back.

Though, he confirms your question with a small nod.

"You saved my life... didn't you?"

His brows go up once more as he looks to his left, then to his right, as though he'd done something wrong. "I- I'm sorry!"

You finally hear him talk, his low but warm voice shaking with the apology. But almost immediately after he speaks, he moves to the back corner of your closet. His body disappears behind a rack of clothing.


Another update!

Stay safe, I love you!


- Ichiranramen <3

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