16. Jungkook?

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The Human

It's been a month now that you've been talking to the ghost in your closet. Surprisingly... things seem more normal than they have in a while.

You don't hesitate to talk to him anymore, nor so you carefully choose your words like you used to. Instead... it's almost like talking to a friend.

It's clear that Taehyung still struggles to outwardly express how he's feeling at times, though he smiles at you now. An expression you thought you'd never see on his saddened face. 

As much as you try to find things about his past on the internet, you also tell him about yourself. At first, you thought his silence meant he didn't want to talk with you.

But you found out that's not the case. 

"I'm sorry, I must be boring you with all these stories," you had said once.

"No!" He had quickly declined your assumptions. "I-I really like them... I've never heard something more interesting."

As sad as the statement made you, you were also glad. He's been alone for so long; these dumb stories of your childhood were something he looked forward to... you were guilty you couldn't do more than that, but happy he had something to listen to.

You hadn't thought much about what this relationship meant for the future, but you liked the way things were going now. You had no desire for a change.

But life had other plans that Friday night. 

You were going to dinner with Jungkook. By now you had lost count of how many times you've met up with the younger boy. Whether it be at school, at either of your apartments, or out, you began spending a lot of time with him. 

You're still not sure what to call your relationship. Though you now see him as one of your closest friends, you're not sure if dating is the correct word either. You're not officially going out, nor are you clearly just friends.

Nonetheless, you go to dinner once again that night. Everything goes as planned, and you even decide to go back to your place and have a few beers before parting for the night.

The few beers quickly turned into a few more beers.

"Noona, no more." Jungkook cuckles, stopping you from reaching for another bottle. 

"I'm not drunk, I swear." You too laugh, swinging your arm across the table to reach for another bottle. The action doesn't work like how your intoxicated mind thought it would, and you instead end up pushing one of the other bottles off of the table completely. 

The class bottle shatters on the tile floor, scattering shards across the wood. 

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