18. Closed

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The Human

"Are you awake now?" you hush to Jungkook, holding a cloth against his forehead as he lays down on your bed that same Friday night.

You anxiously look down at him as he comes to, and he quickly searches his surrounding. "I-I—" he stutters more, searching your room. "I fell... and then you—"

"I'm sorry," you quickly let out, cutting him off before he tries to jog his memory. "It's my fault for getting drunk and stepping on that glass. You fell and hit your head on the way up the stairs!"

Guiltily, you wait for his reaction to your lie. "But I..." he trails off.

"You must not remember much." You feed into your fabrication some more, convincing his subconscious that remembers what happened to promptly believe your story.

Now sitting up on your comforter, he rests his head in his hands. "I guess I must've drunk more than I anticipated as well... How clumsy of me."

You nod your head gently. "I'm sorry," you apologize for every other reason than what he thinks you're sorry for.

Even out here in your bedroom, you can feel the third set of eyes that watch you from the closet across your floor.

"I should take you home so you can rest comfortably," you announce. "Are you alright to get up? Your head must hurt a lot."

"No, I'm fine. Just need to sleep, as you said."

"Of course," you respond lightly. "Let me walk you home."

The Ghost

Nervously, Taehyung sits in the back of the closet. Y/N left to take the boy home.

The boy...

Who is he? How did that happen? Was it me? Did I do that to him- to us?

More and more questions fill his head, the only thing stopping them being her voice. "Taehyung." It's quiet and comforting.

With his legs pulled up to his chest, he hesitantly lifts his head to see her.

"Taehyung," she says again, squatting down. "What happened?"

He stares at her who waits for a response. And...

Nothing... Nothing comes out.

He hates this...

Because, once again, he feels like crying. It keeps coming down to this... Why?

"I-I don't know," he can't meet her eyes. "I don't know," he repeats louder.

"It's okay," he hears her say softly. She stands near the door. "I'm just... glad you're both okay. I'm going to rest now... don't think about it too much."

She leaves the closet... and the door...

She closes it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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