05. Again

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The Ghost

It's been several weeks since the night he thought she was able to see him. Everything is just the way it was, and he was content.

He would still wonder where she was and when she would get home; like tonight.

She doesn't come home as early as she usually does tonight

He knew because the sun was already setting and he hadn't yet heard the front door open.

When he finally heard it open, he not only heard the girl but the voice of another human. It was deep and oddly familiar.

A few minutes passed with hushed words exchanged on the first floor below him, and he can't make any of them out.

It isn't long, however, before he hears footsteps coming up the steps.

He sees the girl, cheeks flushed an unintended red as she walks slowly up the steps.

The man, he now recognizes as the guy from that night weeks ago, holds onto her arms to keep her from stumbling up the wooden staircase.

She's drunk, the ghost observes.

He's never seen her in this state and watches as she flops onto the bed the second she makes it there.

The ghost watches as the man walks his way; to the closet. He wonders what he's doing, but then watches as he grabs a t-shirt and some sweatpants.

The man helps her take off her already existing clothes to put on the pajamas. The ghost turns around for that, only looking back when the movement ceases to make noise.

When he looks at her next, she's back laying on the bed. "Night Y/N," the guy says lightly.

"Goodnight Joonie," she replies tiredly, eyes closed.

Then he leaves.

The ghost looks at her for a while longer, her face barely illuminated by the faint lamp that sits on the opposite side of her bed.

She faces him with a peaceful look on her face that makes him think she's asleep.

But then her eyes open. She turns onto her back with a sigh, her hand going to her forehead as if she can't fall asleep.

Then she's getting out of bed. With short, wobbly steps, she goes to the bathroom and flips the lights on. Her cheeks are still red and he can see that she's still out of it.

The ghost can only partially watch her as she leans on the counter and brushes her teeth. When she's finished, he sees her rummage through a drawer with a small giggle.

She holds up something so small he can't see, and then she lets out a short yelp, ceasing the quiet laughter.

She whines with exhaust before wrapping a tissue around her finger that seemed to be bleeding. She yawns before removing the sweatpants tiredly, mumbling something about wanting shorts.

He watches her walk toward the closet with a gulp, nervously watching her drunken state.

The ghost retreats back behind the clothes once she enters safely, not wanting to peep on her as she dresses.

Not soon after, however, he hears a concerning thump and another yelp that voices from her lips.

He quickly moves from his spot within the clothes, looking at what happened.

With a groan and hand on her head, the human sits on the floor, and he guesses that she must've tripped.

He huffs a sigh of relief, seeing that she is okay.

She then attempts to get back up, her back facing him and hand on the wall nearest to her.

Then she turns around.

Her eyes mirror the same look as the last time she seemed to look at him; disbelieving and almost frightened.

He looks back at her with wide eyes. Like the first time, he asks: "Can you see me?"

She doesn't say anything at first, hesitates, and then nods ever so lightly.

They stare at each other a while longer.

"Oh my god I drank too much," she let's out all at once, then shuts her eyes tightly, hands coming up to her head again. "I'm seeing things."

The ghost stands in the same place, observing her actions while wondering if what had happened the first time wasn't just nothing.

She slowly lets her hands fall back down to her sides, eyes meeting his perfectly.

He thinks again that this could not just be his or her imagination.

And maybe... just maybe she could actually see him like he could always see her.

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