Chapter Three

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"Anna, something is bothering you and I want to know what," Sirus pushing for an answer. Annalise sighed and gave in.

"Soooo....apparently Liam Stone is real," she said.

"Liam Stone, the guy from your book?" Sirus said raising his eyes brows.

"Yes. Don't ask me how he came out of my book. I don't have the answer to that," Anna said as she turned away from Sirus.

"I could help you through this. I mean I don't know how much I could do, but I could do enough to keep things stable," Sirus proposed.

"Just give me time alone for now," Annalise said softly. Sirus nodded and gave Anna a quick hug.

"Just call me if you need help," he said before he walked out. Annalise decided to try and write in her book hoping she could make something happen. She walked over to her computer thinking she'd figure out on how to write her third chapter in her book. When she opened the computer, she saw the third chapter of the book had already been written.

"Liam Stone. It wasn't possible that she could see him for real. He was her fictional character, written in the pages of a book," Annalise read. She stared at the sentence. "But there was one thing. Annalise was the only one able to see Liam. Ella and Sirus couldn't see him," she read the next sentence. She looked through the entire third chapter and it was all written up to chapter four.

Again, she sat staring at the screen, her mind reeling. She hadn't even thought of any ideas for the third chapter, but somehow it was already done. Her thoughts went over to Ella. Ella could've possibly written the third chapter for her, but how could she have known what to write? Especially since all of it said exactly everything that had happened today? "Why is this happening to me?" Annalise asked herself as she began to feel afraid. Suddenly, a knock came to her door. She got up and answered it to find Sirus back at the door.

"Sirus, your back again, " Annalise started before Sirus pushed in through the door. "Hey Sirus, what's-" she started again when Sirus went over to the computer and started reading her book. Annalise ran over and tried to close the computer lid, but Sirus's gaze shot her a threatening glare. Annalise gulped and stepped back.

"This all happened today didn't it?" Sirus said as he looked up at her. Annalise couldn't answer.

"Sirus, I know it all sounds crazy but, I didn't write any of that third chapter, I swear!" Annalise said.

This is all too similar, the part where you're telling me about Liam? Anna that just happened! What are you doing with this? Making it a diary?" Sirus asked almost disgusted by the thought.

"No, no that isn't it at all! Sirus, I didn't write any of chapter three. It was already written when I got into the computer," Annalise said.

"I guess you are crazy," Sirus said, stepping away from the computer.

"Sirus, please," Annalise pleaded.

"Don't. Just stay away from me," Sirus said as he backed up and hurried out of the room.

"Sirus wait!" Annalise cried as she ran to the door nearly running into Ella on the way out. "Ella!" Annalise yelped as she stopped herself short from colliding.

"Anna, what's going on? Sirus seemed to be in a hurry to get out of your room," Ella said.

"You need to look at this," Annalise said as she took Ella by the arm and led her into the room. She took her over to the computer and had her read chapter three. Anna knew Ella had read something that scared her because she stumbled back.

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