Chapter Eighteen

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Annalise had all her missing assignments done within the hour with a bit of help from her powers, but she still didn't have her book done. Her computer somewhere with Sirus and knew he'd hidden it some place secret. She was also lonely with no one to talk to, since Sirus was downstairs getting ice.

She sat in silence a moment longer and she sighed. She couldn't take it being alone from Liam. She'd been with him too much to pull herself away from him. She wanted Liam back, so she was going to write him out not caring if Sirus was going to stop her.

"I want him back. To be in my life once more, because I love him and there is nothing in this world that can tear us apart," she said and waited. Suddenly two hands covered her eyes.

"And I want nothing than to spend the rest of my life with you, the one I love more than the moon and the stars," Liam's voice came from behind her. A giggle came from Annalise's mouth as Liam's hands uncovered her eyes. Liam came around to the front of her, a smile on his face.

"I missed you, Liam," Annalise said as she opened her arms to him. Liam lifted her up to her feet and pulled her close. Annalise winced.

"You alright?" Liam asked, looking down at her. Annalise lifted her wounded leg to relieve the pressure on it.

"I'm fine, I just scraped my knee," she answered quickly and looked away. Suddenly Sirus came back in the room.

"Hey, I got the ice. I hope you're-," he stopped as his gaze landed on Liam and Annalise wrapped in each other's arms. "You brought him back?" he asked as he dropped the bag of ice.

"Sirus, I had to. I'm split between who I love, and who I don't love. I'm torn," she said as Liam helped her back in the chair and carefully propped her leg back up on the footstool.

"I...I don't understand I thought we...we got past all this," Sirus said as he looked down at the floor.

"We did, but I don't know what to do anymore. All of this is just all messed up that I'm not thinking straight anymore," Annalise said. Sirus approached the desk slowly and brushed his fingers against the feather of an ink quill on his desk.

"If I can't get you to unwrite Liam and let him go, then I'll make the choice for you, quick and simple," Sirus said as he picked up the quill. Before Annalise could react, Sirus flicked the sharp end of the quill across the carotid artery in his neck. Blood spurred out and Sirus slumped to his knees. Within a few seconds, Sirus had bled out.

Annalise fell from the chair, landing on her injured leg and cried out in pain. Liam rushed to her side and tried to help her back in the chair, but she fought him.

"I have to save him, Liam! I can do it!" she yelled and struggled in his arms.

"He's gone Anna. He's gone. You can't do anything about it," Liam said softly as he held her tight. Annalise slumped against him as she sobbed. Even though Sirus may have hurt her in horrible ways, his better side was resurfacing and she could've saved him from his evil self.

"This is my fault. I should be dead, not Sirus! All of this happened because of me!" she sobbed.

"Anna, listen to me. There was nothing you could've done to save Sirus, he was too broken to come back to his normal self. It's all over now. It's all over," he said as his hand stroked her hair.

Sirus was dead and there was no bringing him back to life. What's dead is gone and should stay dead. Annalise sniffled and wiped her eyes.

"We need to bury him. No one's around, so now would be a good time," Annalise said softly. Liam helped her to her feet and set her in the chair. He went to the back room and removed the bed sheet and brought it back, covering Sirus's body with it. There came a knock at the door. Liam and Annalise looked up to find Azurin in the doorway.

"Am I interrupting?" Azurin asked as he gazed at them.

"Sirus is dead. Can you help?" Annalise asked. He nodded and came over and picked up the body. Liam picked Annalise up in his arms and together they all went downstairs and outside.

Once they were out of the building, Annalise directed them to the back where there was a small forest. They ventrued back a ways until there was a patch of grass fit for a grave. Annalise summoned a shovel and Azurin began to dig. He dug for a few minutes before he finished the grave.

Azurin picked up Sirus's body and placed it in the grave before filling it with dirt. When that was complete, Annalise spoke up.

"I want to say a few words to him before I say goodbye," she said. Liam set her to her feet gently and let her lean on him for support. Annalise looked up at Liam who nodded at her to give her to go to begin.

"I've never really said words to a dead person before, but here goes nothing. Sirus, you were everything to me, the best friend I could ever ask for in guidance and assistance, but you turned your back on me after I found a new soul to be with. From all the terrible things that you put me through, not only hurt me, but also gave me a lesson to learn. Power is always dangerous. Power attracts the worst and destroys the best. That's what it did to you Sirus. It made you become someone you weren't and I wanted nothing more than to have my best friend back. The one I could depend on, but now I hope that with the peace of where you rest, you will find the light up above to guide you back to who you once were," Annalise finished and wiped her eyes.

"That was beautiful," Liam whispered in her ear. Annalise sniffled and mustered a smile.

"It all just came from the heart," she said softly. Azurin gazed at the both of them quietly. Annalise looked over to him. "Did you have something to say Azurin?" Annalise asked. He stood up straighter.

"Yes, actually Anna, I do. What I want to say is that, that speech was the most beautiful heart wrenching speech I've ever heard before. It really touched my core, and I was happy to hear those words, although it was a waste to say them," he said.

Annalise and Liam gave Azurin an odd look.

"What are you talking about Azurin? Why were those words wasted?" Annalise asked. Azurin sighed.

"Because, you have the wrong guy," he said and moved his hand down over his face, but not touching it. Little by little as his hand moved down, Azurin's features slowly turned into Sirus's. Annalise and Liam gasped.

"Sirus!" Annalise exclaimed, as Liam wrapped her tightly in his arms.

"I know! I know, it's a shocker. If you'll give me a minute to explain-" he started.

"NO! You don't have to explain anything! Why would you do something like this? You shoved me down a flight of stairs for God's sake and look what you did to me!" Annalise yelled pointing down to her injured leg.

"I'm sorry for that, I just wanted to explain everything to you," Sirus said.

"No, I'm done with you and all your lies and tricks. You've hurt me enough Sirus. Let's go, Liam," Annalise said.

"I did all of this because I love you Anna. No amount of power can change the feelings I have for you," Sirus said. Annalise glared at him.

"You don't even know what love is," she snarled.

"Yes, I do know what love is, it's because of you," he said, approaching them. "I want to make amends with the both of you. I never got in the proper apology I was hoping to give, but now I think is a good time to say something," he said. "I'm sorry. All this time I got overly jealous thinking that Liam would make you happier than I could. I guess it's just my insecurites acting up, because I know that I'm not the strongest, the most good looking, or the most fun and exciting, but I do know that no matter how long you're with Liam or anyone else, you'll never find them to love you like I do," he said, his eyes full of sincerity. Annalise stared at him.

"You can apologize again and again to me, but if you're actions don't change, your words just become meaningless," she snapped.

"Sirus, just leave us alone. You've done what you wanted, so go," Liam said harshly.

"What do I have to do to make you forgive me?" Sirus said, pleading almost. Annalise looked at him again.

"You can get out of my life," she grated and then turned away from him.

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