Chapter Nine

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A few moments later, the police cruisers left leaving Annalise and Liam alone. They stood for a moment, both silent.

"Finally got him taken care of," Liam said, breaking the silence between them.

"Yeah," was all Annalise could say.

"Anna, There's nothing you have to worry about now. Sirus is being taken to jail. He won't be able to break out," Liam said, placing a hand on Annalise's shoulder.

"That's where you're wrong Liam. Sirus is going to escape and plan his next move to come after me," Annalise said, fear choking her.

"Maybe you could work more on your writing powers. You never know what you're capable of," Liam said supportively.

"I guess you're right," Annalise replied. Liam took her hand in his and began to lead her back to campus. A while later, they arrived back at Annalise's dorm.

"I can stay with you if you want tonight," Liam offered as he stopped Annalise by the door.

"I guess I would feel safer that way," she said with a smile. Annalise took out her spare room key she'd forgotten about and unlocked the door. They both went inside and Anna grabbed her pj's. Liam walked over to Annalise's bed and sat down, waiting for Anna to finish getting ready for bed.

Annalise dressed into her pj's and brushed her teeth. Once she was done rinsing her mouth, she gazed at herself in the mirror. She wondered how strong she could become if she learned the full potential of her powers. The thought made her feel more confident and a bit safer as well.

She exited the bathroom and headed over to Liam.

"You take forever to get ready for bed," he chuckled as he held out his arms to retrieve her. Annalise fell into his arms as they wrapped around her.

"Sorry," she said softly, laughing. She yawned and felt her eyes drift closed.

"Anna," a voice called to her in the darkness. Annalise sat up and looked around the darkroom. It was eerily silent and hard to see. She could make out her writing desk and computer and where the closet was. She got to her feet and walked over to the desk. "Anna," the voice called again. She turned around and saw nothing.

She figured it was just her imagination getting ahead of her, so she thought nothing of it. Annalise turned back around to the desk seeing darkness in front of her for a moment before someone leaped out of the dark at her!

Annalise screamed and fell onto the floor on her back, as the intruder jumped on top of her, pinning Annalise to the ground.

"Hello, again...Anna," Sirus growled as he reached into his beige coat pocket and withdrew his knife. He raised it into the air and brought it down. Annalise screamed. Then, nothing.

Annalise bolted upright in bed, cold and damp from her sweat. Liam felt her abrupt movement and awoke. He saw her frightened and trembling and quickly sat up next to her. Annalise collapsed into his arms, frightened tears streaking down her face.

"It's horrible... I...I can't live like this!" she cried, as Liam felt her shake against his chest. He held her out in front of him, so he could see her. From what he could make out in the dark, her face was wet with her tears and sweat.

"Shh shhh," he soothed. "It's alright now. Everything's fine," Liam said softly.

Annalise sniffled and brought her eyes up to his.

"I had another nightmare, this one was probably as frightening as the first one. He frightens me, Liam. I can't go through every day to know that it won't be long before he escapes prison and comes after me," Annalise said.

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