Chapter Thirteen

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Annalise wrote in a few more chapters, but was slowly losing the enthusiasm to continue the story. She missed Liam and wished that he would come back. Maybe she could do it. To bring Liam out of the pages once more without any troubles to be followed.

"Liam promised her that he would come back and together they would be happy once again," Annalise typed. She waited for something. Suddenly the sentence on the screen began to fade until it was completely gone. Then as if by magic the computer began to type on its own.

"Turn around :)," it said. Annalise could suddenly smell a familiar cologne fill the room and a smile lit up on her face. She spun around to find Liam once again back as himself. No darkness, no evil, only the Liam that Anna had written up to begin with.

"I brought you back. I did it!" she cried as she reached out for him.

"God I missed you," he murmured as he pulled her in for a kiss. The kiss was the same as Annalise remembered, a feeling that lifted her off of her feet and made her feel like she was in heaven.

The kiss broke and they stood their wrapped together.

"Sirus is gone, I wrote him into the pages of his book, now we don't have to worry about him anymore. We can burn the book and rid ourselves of him forever!" Annalise said happily.

"Yes, that would be absolutely perfect. I just want it to be you and me in this world, nothing more," Liam said softly. He then quickly scooped her up in his strong arms and spun Annalise around who broke into laughter.

Liam toppled onto the bed with Anna in his arms and they laid there for what seemed like a lifetime.

"So, you planning to get that book finished?" Liam asked, looking at her.

"I'm actually almost done, I hope. I just need to get in a few more chapters and then it'll be done," she said.

"I hope you can get it published. With the story you have now, it will surely hit the shelves," Liam said supportively.

"It's going to take some time to get it through publications though, Liam," Annalise explained.

"Oh, right. Guess I didn't think about that," he said, as he smiled slightly.

"But anyways, I wanna get rid of Sirus's story for good, then I can stop worrying about it," Annalise said as she rolled off Liam. She walked over and picked Sirus's book up. It was bound in a hard cover that was hard as wood, and the color of a raven's feathers. The cover had no designs except for a few red swirls on it that resembled blood.

"Sirus was really sick in the head after you wrote me up," Liam said.

"He would've been better, but I think it was greed that overthrew his goodside," Annalise said as she headed to the door. "Let's go burn this sucker to ash," she said and walked out with Liam following behind.

They walked down to the lobby area, then outside and headed to the trees.

"Are you allowed to leave campus after dark?" Liam asked as they walked farther and farther from campus.

"Not normally, but we didn't get caught right?" Annalise said as she kept walking. Liam shrugged. They headed to a small clearing area and Annalise put together a small fire. She held Sirus's book in her hands, and just holding it made her feel uneasy.

"Here goes nothing," she said and threw the book into the flames. The book lay there a moment before a huge blast of heat and fire billowed out. Liam grabbed Annalise and pulled her away from it. The fire crackled and twisted when all of a sudden rose a noise like the scream of God himself. Annalise and Liam both covered their ears and fell to their knees.

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