Chapter Fourteen

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Sirus withdrew the knife from Annalise's stomach letting her fall to the ground. Annalise tried to get up and crawl away, but she was weak and losing a lot of blood. Sirus approached her and kicked her back with his foot.

Annalise tried to scream for help, but her throat was clenched shut from oncoming tears.

"Liam won't be here in time to save you Anna.You'll most likely bleed out before he does," Sirus said darkly as he lowered himself to his knees.

"I got rid of you Sirus, you should still be in that book," Annalise hissed trying to be strong, but the wound in her stomach was killing her slowly.

"Yes, but I was able to learn a few magic tricks with a magic binding spell around the book as protection. Fire is what fueled it and brought me out," Sirus explained. He held the knife up which still had Annalise's blood on it. Sirus raised the knife to his mouth and ran his tongue up the blade licking up her blood.

"You are absolutely disgusting!" Annalise spat. Sirus's eyes glowed a strange red, but when he closed and opened them, they were his natural green color, just slightly brighter like a cats.

"Yes, but your blood, your essence is essential for me to become stronger and finally rule what you love most," Sirus purred as he ran the knife blade against her cheek. "It's such a pity that such a beautiful girl like you has to go to waste. If only you'd be of more use to me," Sirus pouted.

"I'll never serve you. Never in my entire life will I get down on my knees and come crawling and begging for you to take care of me," Annalise snarled, causing Sirus to laugh.

"Look at you, trying to act all tough and brave. Too bad that after I take what I need, you won't have to be tough and brave, because you'll be dead," Sirus said as he leaned down and brought his face closer to Anna's. She turned away when she suddenly saw a shadow fly over her and a scuffle.

She managed to sit up to see Liam had found her and was beating the crap out of Sirus.

"You bastard! Leave Anna alone! She doesn't belong to you and never will!" Liam bellowed as he threw one final punch to Sirus's face knocking him out cold. Liam stood panting, his hand bloody from breaking Sirus's nose again. He turned around and hurried over to Annalise.

"Liam, are you alright? He didn't hurt you did he?" Annalise asked searching his face.

"No, no, I'm alright. We gotta get you to a hospital," he said as he gathered Annalise in his arms and started to walk towards where they had come in. Liam walked for several minutes before finally clearing the trees and getting to the streets. He searched for a hospital and found a small one across the street. Annalise had gone limp in his arms.

"Help! Please I need help! She's hurt really bad," Liam cried to one of front desk people. Two doctors came rushing out with a rolling bed and Liam set Annalise down on it.

"We'll take her from here," one of the doctors said, who was a tall male, with milk chocolate brown hair and hazelnut colored eyes.

After that, the doctors wheeled Annalsise away. Liam watched them take her away and he prayed the best that the connection wouldn't be severed.

"Please, stay strong for me," he said as he stood for another moment before taking a seat in the lobby.

About an hour later the same male doctor returned to Liam.

"She's going to be fine. She just had a small wound in her abdomen and lost a bit of blood. She'll have to stay her for a while before we release her," the doctor explained. Liam nodded his head and rubbed a hand over his eyes. "She's awake now if you want to go see her," he continued. Liam followed the doctor as he was lead to the room Annalise was in. Liam entered the room and smiled as he saw Annalise was awake and awaiting his arrival.

"Hey," she said gently and held her hand out. Liam approached her and took her hand in his.

"The doctor said you're going to be fine. You just need a little rest is all," Liam said, remembering what the doctor had told him. He cupped her cheek in his hand and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

"I'm glad you didn't get hurt Liam," Annalise said softly.

"As am I, but Sirus...," Liam trailed off.

"He gained more of my power and was able to put a protection spell around the book. When we burnt it, the fire is what released him," Annalise explained.

"Shit," Liam mumbled. He ran a hand through his hair and put his head down.

"I know I can't guarantee him to not to come after me again Liam, but he is going to stop at nothing to-" Annalise said, her eyes raising in worry before Liam stopped her.

"I know, I know. Sirus has been a threat ever since the beginning and there's nothing we can do to stop him," Liam growled.

"Well, maybe there is," Annalise said sitting up and placing a hand over Liam's arm.

"Like what?! Sirus has hurt you twice now! Don't think he won't do it a third time and that time I may not be able to save you," he said, his tone harsh.

"Liam I-" Annalise tried to say. Liam got up.

"No, you need to rest and make a full recovery," he said and put a hand out to stop her. Annalise gazed up at him with sad eyes before laying back against the pillows.

"You'll be back won't you?" she asked as Liam got to the door.

"I can't promise that," he said before leaving the room. Annalise looked at the door quietly letting out a sigh. She wished she had her computer to write up her story, but she felt it was best to just leave things alone for right now.

A while later a male doctor with raven black hair and pale silver eyes came in to check Annalise's vials. His face was mostly covered by a doctors hat and mask so it made it hard to make out his features.

"How ya feeling?" he asked as he walked in and shut the door. Annalise sat up.

"Better. The morphine took away most of the pain at least," she answered. The doctor nodded. Annalise kept a close eye on him, getting a feeling that something wasn't right. "Where's the other doctor that was here before?" Annalise asked.

"Oh, Si- um I mean someone was hurt real bad in another area of the hospital, so they sent me instead," the doctor said, avoiding eye contact with Annalise. Suddenly, the doctor whipped off his mask to reveal Azurin.

Before Annalise could scream, Azurin lunged on top of her and covered her mouth with his hand. Annalise struggled beneath him, causing pain to her wound.

"Shhhh, I wouldn't dare make any sort of noise to draw attention Anna. Sirus is still hungry for what you hold onto," Azurin purred. Annalise looked into his eyes trying to hold back her fear. "Now, I'm going to remove my hand and you will not scream, otherwise I'll hurt you," he said as Annalise felt the cold touch of something to her neck. She gulped, but nodded that she understood.

Azurin removed his hand and got off the bed. He quickly unplugged all of the machines and removed the tubes and needles from Anna's arms. Then he picked her up and carried her to the window.

"We can't jump out! We're two stories up!" Annalise cried as she tried to wriggle free of Azurins arms.

"No, you'll be just fine. Trust me," he said softly. With the window open, he stepped up on the ledge with Annalise in his arms. She closed her eyes and feared for the worst that her death would soon be coming.

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