Chapter Twelve

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"Who's this, you're new boyfriend?" he snarled. Aramis glared at him and stepped forward.

"No, I happen to be your replacement," Aramis hissed, causing Liam to quiet a moment before chuckling darkly.

"A replacement? Wow Anna. I thought you were better than that. I thought you loved me and wanted to be with me forever," Liam purred, bringing his gaze down to Anna's. Annalise remained quiet. She had nothing left to say.

"What do we do with them?" Azurin said from behind them.

"Get rid of this...thing. I'll take care of Anna," Liam said as he grabbed Annalise arm firmly causing her to wince. Azurin came up behind Aramis and grabbed him, but Aramis wasn't leaving without a fight. He turned and swung his fist towards Azurin. Azurin ducked and spun out of the way before barreling into him sending both of them to the floor.

Liam pulled Annalise away from them towards the stairs. They headed upstairs and then Liam lead her down the left hallway. They got to a room on the right and stopped in front of it. Liam raised his hand and knocked.

"Sirus, it's Liam. I've got her," he said through the door. A moment later the door opened with Sirus on the other side.

"Thank you, Liam. You may leave," Sirus said as he retrieved me from Liam. He then closed the door and locked it. The room seemed like a large study with a desk and a lot of papers. There were also three leather chairs that were placed around the room as well. "So, I see you finally decided to come back," Sirus said as he turned and faced Anna. Something was wrong with him.

The last time, Sirus had looked normal, but now, his hair had darkened to almost coal black, his skin had paled, dark shadows lived beneath his eyes. There was no humanity left in his green eyes. Now they were a cool grey sucked of the green life that was occupied them.

"I didn't really come back for you. I came back for Liam," Annalise said quietly.

"For Liam? As if I didn't do enough to keep you two apart! Why is it always you and him, huh? Where do I play a part in your story? Nevermind, don't answer that. I made up my own story, where Liam is one of my helpers, and belong to me," Sirus purred as he approached Annalise.

She backed up and fell back into one of the leather armchairs in the room. Sirus pinned her hands down to the armrests with his hands as he leaned over her.

"Sirus, I didn't mean any of this! Why can't we just go back to the way things were? When things were normal between us!" Annalise cried.

"I tried to see things normally. To try and accept that you liked someone else, but it couldn't be that way. The only reason why is because you're in love with someone you wrote up. I should've just unwritten him when I had the chance, but I thought I'd be able to use him to my advantage. Looks like I was right," Sirus said.

Annalise gazed up at him in hatred. There was nothing to hold her back from hating him after everything he did to her. A spark flashed on her fingertip. Sirus noticed.

"I wouldn't zap me again if I were you. I wasn't happy the first time when you tried to fry me and Azurin," he growled.

"It would be better for you to be fried, than for you to be here ruining my story," Annalise spat.

"I realize I'm wasting my time with you, so I need you to be of use to me," he said.

"I'll never do anything for you," Annalise growled. Sirus's hand shot forward and clutched her jaw, pulling her face closer to his.

"You'll do whatever I say, or I rewrite this entire story and it's not going to be a story you'll like," he threatened darkly. Annalise gulped. "I'm obviously not as strong as you are, so that's why I need what you have, your essence," Sirus said. He released her and took a step back.

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