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                                                                                   *One week later*

Annalise sprinted out of her English classroom and hurried down the stairs. She pushed the door open and stepped outside, the cold air blowing in her face. She adjusted her winter hat on her head and look around for Liam. She spoted him standing just a few feet away from her. She hurried over to him and leapt into his awaiting arms.

"Oh! How'd class go?" he asked her when he set her down.

"Well... I got a 100%!" she exclaimed as she pulled her book's manuscript out of her bag and held it up to Liam's face. Right across the page written in red ink was a big 100%.

"See! I knew your book was amazing," Liam said with a smile.

"I didn't think it was good at all, but my English teacher said it was unlike anything she's ever read before. She told me the characters were very believable and that a lot of the scenes were so realistic! Guess what else she said?" Annalise asked Liam. He stopped and thought for a moment.

"Hmmmm... It really touched her heart?" Liam answered.

"Nope! She said it was good enough for publishing!" Annalise exclaimed.

"No way! She thought it was that good?" Liam asked amazed.

"Apparently. I didn't tell her about my little secret though," Annalise said and winked, causing Liam to laugh. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her deeply.

"I've never felt anything so amazing, until I met you. I want it to always be this way," he said, his lips inches from hers. Annalise gazed into his eyes and felt her cheeks grow warm.

"It will always stay this way," she said and kissed him again.

Liam looked at her for a second and then quickly pulled her hat down over her eyes and laughed.

"Hey! Liam that isn't funny!" Annalise said trying to be mad, but ended up laughing. Suddenly she felt something hard hit her coat. She pulled her hat up so she could see and looked down and saw a splat of snow on the front of her coat. Her eyes traveled up to see Liam doubled over from laughter.

Annalise smirked and leaned down and scooped up some snow in her bare hands and formed it into a snowball. She then threw it as hard as she could at Liam and it hit him in the shoulder.

"Hey!" he exclaimed and laughed again.

"It's called pay back sweetheart!" Annalise yelled and laughed. Liam smiled and then a snowball fight began. Snow was flying and laughs rang out. Annalise had lost track of Liam and stopped. She dropped her snowball and looked around for him. Suddenly she was plowed into from behind and went down in the snow. She yelped and looked up finding Liam ontop of her, out of breath.

"Gotcha," he said softly and kissed her. Annalise smiled against his lips and pushed him back slightly.

"I'll getcha back," she said and smirked. Liam got off of her and helped her to her feet. They brushed themselves off and stood quietly.

"Do you know where Sirus is?" Annalise asked as they began to walk.

"I'm pretty sure he's still in class. Theatre I'm guessing," Liam answered.

"How'd you know he was in theatre?" Annalise asked.

"I may have read a page or two out of your book," Liam said and chuckled.

"Ah, I see. Very sneaky," Annalise said shaking her finger and smiling.

Liam pulled on her arm to stop her. "What is it?" she asked, gazing up at him. His hand brushed against her face and hair.

"You still had some snow on you," he answered and smiled. He then took her hand in his and they began walking again. They went around campus and the air became colder and colder as the day went on.

"Maybe we should head inside," Annalise said, feeling the chill get to her. Liam nodded and they began to head back to her dorm room. They got to the room and met Sirus in the hallway.

"Sirus, hey," Annalise greeted.

"Hey Anna. Where were you guys? You both look froze," Sirus said.

"We were outside," Annalise said and laughed.

"Outside? Rolling in the snow?" he asked. Annalise and Liam chortled.

"Yeah, you could say that," she answered. "Liam's staying the night in my room," she said. Sirus nodded.

"Alright. Sleep well both of you," he said and turned, heading back down to his dorm room. Annalise opened the door to her room and went in with Liam following in behind. She shut the door behind them and took off their coats. Liam sighed and walked over to Annalsie's bed, flopping down onto it.

"You gonna come here or let me freeze?" Liam asked watching Anna. A smile raised at her lips.

"Maybe, I'll let you become a popsicle before I come over and thaw you out," she said and leaned against the wall.

"But I'm soooo cold," Liam whined. Annalise rolled her eyes playfully and groaned.

"You're such a baby," she said and gave in. She walked over and laid down next to him, curling up into him. His hand stroked her hair gently and it felt nice. Annalise's eyes closed and was close to drifting off.

"Aw, don't fall asleep on me," Liam said. Annalise giggled and opened her eyes.

"I'm tired though Liam. After everything I've been through. It was a lot of work," she said and brought her eyes upto his. His head was propped up on his arm, and his bicep rippled under his light sweater.

"I wish it could always be like this. Just us, together," he said and leaned his head down, nuzzling her neck.

"I do too, Liam. I do too," she said. Her eyes began to grow heavy again and no matter how hard she fought to stay awake, she couldn't win, so she gave in and fell asleep. She didn't want this to be the end of her story. She wanted her story to roll on forever and for it to never have an ending, but as they say all good things must come to an end. Although in her situation, she was in love. Truly in love with Liam, but true love doesn't have a happy ending. It doesn't have an ending at all.

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